What Baby Boomers are Teaching: The (Disappointing) Reality Called Time

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readJul 20, 2017

‘I was young, once.’ If you are young, you, definitely, don’t want to hear this.

Joyce Huis

Fifty years flashes by in an instant. And, so, too, one hundred. Next thing you know, you are past a century. Uncomfortable, to say the least.

Everyone, over the age of forty, is debating healthcare. It’s obvious why. Who is going to pay? It’s pretty expensive to avoid death (and buck nature).

It is a shocking thing to reach the age of sixty. Before sixty, you can fool yourself, and, of course, we all fool ourselves, that life is just a dream. Because, really, life is, definitely, a dream.

But then it happens to you. Six is the number that tells everyone your age. Then seven. Then eight. Then, oh-my-God, nine.

Who wants to reach one hundred?

This is an existential question. Having everything to do with the denial of death. And, also, the denial about the reality, and the circularity, of nature.

Life and Death

Why the core issue of the day is global warming. We are (all) in denial about the planet’s death.

Other than that. It’s all good.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.


