Biomimetics (Biomimicry) (Biomemetics)

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readApr 20, 2021

The tokenization of duality. (Crypto-technology.)

Photo by Ren Gillard on Unsplash

Everything in technology is inspired by (is a copy of) something in biology. This proves: the conservation of a circle. Where zero and one in technology is female and male in biology. Notice: the tokenization of duality.


This explains, first of all, reproduction, and, thus, the copy. In algebraic ‘terms,’ X and X is X and Y. Again, this is because pi is the mediator (controller) (background state) for circumference and diameter (zero and one).

Conservation of a Circle

Thus, the conservation of a circle tokenizes everything in technology, biology, Nature in general, and, what humans label ‘reality’ in general.

It also tokenizes all of, what humans label, the ‘specifics’ in Nature (and reality). Including, and, especially, cryptocurrency (cryptotechnology).

The ‘Token’

This is because a token is, technically, an abstraction, where abstraction is, always the circular relationship between X and X (X and Y). Any X. Any Y. Every X. Every Y.


This explains why the diagram is the correct (and, technically, the ‘only’) abstraction for everything in Nature (and everything in ‘reality’). Everything in ‘language’ (everything in any symbolic structure).

That is, the model, above, is a model for abstraction, and, therefore, it is the model for all of the abstractions (models) humans use to tokenize (understand and inter-react with) Nature.

Bio-technology (Bio-physics)

This explains biomimetics, biomimicry (camouflage in general) anthropomorphism, morphism, and evolution (biomemetics). All of these are examples of the conservation of a circle.


Where the conservation of a circle turns everything into a circle (anything that involves a line) because the line is both diameter and circumference (mediated and controlled by) (conserved by) ‘pi.’

Explaining why, if you think about it carefully, everything a human does, and everything that Nature does, is an abstraction (a tokenization) for the conservation of a circle. Explaining the relationship between machine and human (natural) intelligence.


Conservation of the circle is the core, and, thus, the only dynamic in Nature (the diagram above is superimposed on (and, thus, explains) (is a tokenization of) everything in Nature).

Continue with: The Relationship Between ‘One’ and ‘One’ | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | Apr, 2021 | Medium

