Dealing With PTSD ‘Triggers’

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
4 min readAug 6, 2018

A ‘trigger’ pushes you to experience anxiety. How to ‘get around’ this.

Everyone has PTSD. At one time or another. This is easy to prove.

The ‘trigger.’ And, anxiety.

A ‘trigger’ is the ‘association’ of a ‘zero’ and a ‘one.’ Where ‘zero’ is the ‘trigger,’ and ‘one,’ then, is ‘anxiety.’ Diagrammed above as circumference and diameter (zero and one).

The diagram above shows the ‘role’ a hidden ‘circle’ plays in all psychology. A ‘trigger’ takes us to ‘an’ anxious state, or not. Depending on our ‘history,’ memories, past, and-or present, associations.

Where an ‘association’ underneath it all is a zero and a one. Where, in our ‘mind’ we associated a ‘zero’ with a ‘one.’ An ‘experience’ with ‘trauma’ (anxiety) (fear) (terror).

Trauma and fear.

Action and Reaction: Human Choice

This means we all experience ‘triggers’ and ‘anxiety.’ Over time, we learn, or, we can learn, if we decide to, to ignore the ‘triggers’ that send us to ‘anxiety.’ We can do this by using medication or meditation.

And, or, we can do, this, also, by using the diagram above.

Realizing, it’s up to us how to react to anxiety, we can learn the ‘triggers’ that send us to ‘anxiety’ based on whatever has happened to us in the past. And, we can, then, and, therefore, learn to ignore the ‘triggers,’ or, avoid them, in order to avoid anxiety in the ‘present.’

Experience and Avoidance.

Universal Time: Any X and-or Y Connected (Separated) by A Circle

Where the diagram above proves there is no past or present. Once we decide to separate ourselves from both, in order to intelligently experience either. There’s just an underlying ‘circle’ (a hidden X and-or Y) (zero and-or one) (circumference and-or diameter). Where ‘if X’ means ‘then Y’ (because if zero then one) (if circumference then diameter).

Meaning, we can re-write history by using the diagram above. That is, we learned something valuable from a historical trigger (a past anxiety), allowing us to ‘avoid it’ in the future. It is, always, up to us to ‘do’ this.

As an example: trigger X (0) produces anxiety Y (1). So, we experience X (0), and, we, at first, notice, Y (1) (anxiety). Once we have ‘noticed,’ we know what to expect, when we experience X (0). Thus, we can ‘avoid’ X (0) by doing Y (1), where ‘Y’ is some other ‘Y’ from ‘anxiety.’

Experience and Substitution.

Half-The-Time: Everything

Meaning, half-the-time, we cannot avoid ‘anxiety.’ However, when ‘anxiety’ becomes ‘X’ (trigger 0) we can, always do ‘Y.’ Where Y is trigger 1. For example, medication, or, meditation.

Or any other ‘action’ that is a productive use of time, allowing us to turn ‘anxiety’ from a ‘liability’ into an ‘asset.’ Over time, our willingness, and ability to ‘do’ this (substitute one trigger for an ‘other’) gives us a much better understanding of our own capabilities, allowing us to have a more ‘intelligent’ experience of ‘life.’

If you say ‘I don’t understand this,’ you are saying, ‘half-of-me doesn’t understand this’ because, according to the diagram above, the other half of you has to ‘understand everything.’ So, when you say, I don’t understand, something, you are really saying, I don’t want to take the time, right now, to ‘understand it.’ Maybe later. But, not now.

Understand. Do-not-understand.

How does this work?

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in Nature (as illustrated in the diagram above) (links any X and-or Y) (zero and-or one). Gives us complete control over ‘everything.’

