Solving Einstein’s Problem

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
8 min readAug 17, 2020


The string of characters.

The String of Characters (Photo by Paola Aguilar on Unsplash)

A string of characters solves Einstein’s problem, explaining the core dynamic across all disciplines.

The number line…

We use the number line to organize our thoughts around movement. That is, 1 2 3 4 5 is a string of characters that has special meaning to a mathematician, a physicist, a technologist, and, also, to a human. The fact this string of characters articulates a line, diameter of a circle, also has a special meaning.

That is, 1 2 3 4 5, is also 1 1 1 1 1, or 0 0 0 0 0. Or, any other string of numbers, when the subject of our discussion is a string of characters. What stays the same, as we change the characters, is the fact the string, and the characters, in this analysis, articulates (and must conserve) a line.

The relationships on this line are also well known to a human. These relationships all depend upon an adjacent character. And, if you, as a human, do not know the meaning of the word ‘adjacent,’ you will not be able to decode the meaning of my thought (which, as a string of characters, can also be ‘thought of’ as an idea) (a conjecture, an observation, a movement).

The string of characters…

It is the string of characters we are, at the moment, analyzing, and discussing, and this string of characters, no matter what is in the string, no matter where these characters are ‘located,’ is always a line, diameter (and circumference) of a circle. This means the entire string of characters, above, from W in the beginning paragraph, to the period at the end of paragraph 4, is a line (diameter of a circle).

It also means, no matter how many characters in the string, the string has maximum, and minimum, two characters, X and X (X and Y) (0 and 1) (circumference and diameter).

String of Characters (Zero and One (Circumference and Diameter)

One should ask, then, how did I know there were four paragraphs, and did I have to count them in my ‘mind’ (create a thought) (execute an idea) (destroy a thought and an idea), in order to find the ‘string of characters’ we are discussing (and analyzing) (the number four) (the paragraphs) (the string).


How did I know 4 and four are the same? As a string of characters they are different (and, also, the same) (string of one, and string of four) (word is string, sentence is string, paragraph is string, article is string, magazine is string, book is string).

A string of strings is still a string.

A string is always just a line, diameter of a circle (all the characters, zeroes and ones, are circumferences and diameters). Therefore, a constant (hidden) circle.

Line (diameter of a circle)…

So, once again the number line is used by ‘us’ (something we call mind, technically) to analyze (create, destroy) a thought. The string of characters, if it is numeric or alphabetic (symbols in general), is always in a line, even if we are skipping around a page to analyze it.

This is enough to determine everything mathematicians, technologists, and physicists (including Einstein) need to determine, in order to determine the meaning of, ‘everything.’ (The circular relationship between a physical and a symbolic system.)

Physically Symbolic System

It is not possible to have a symbol without a line. All symbols manipulate a line, as an ancient symbol, on a cave wall, 40,000 years old, proves. This symbol is a string of characters which is, in and of itself, analyzing something, and, used by humans, to analyze something else.

Circular relationship: physical and symbolic system…

Any symbol is the circular relationship of a set of two characters, always in a string, the most basic string, after diameter and circumference, background, foreground.

The fact the analysis is used independent of the time frame is also a string of characters (a line, diameter of a circle).

Everything can be thought of (must be thought of) as a string of characters (used by Google and Facebook, presently, to generate massive cash flow). A string is used by technologists (mathematicians, physicists) for everything (everything is used by the string) (the linear, and circular relationship, between zero and one, circumference and diameter). Technically, articulating an uber-simple circle (and, only a circle can articulate a circle).

Everything can be thought of (must be thought of) as a string of characters…

Therefore, the word time, although the human gives it meaning, is, more simply, just a string of characters, with no meaning whatsoever. Likewise, any other string. In technology, a string of characters is basic to analysis, and, necessary for the manipulation of time (and space). By now we all know this. We call this ‘code’ and we manipulate the code by coding (circular relationship between code and coding, coding and decoding).

Codes and coding are strings that can be joined or separated, ‘codes coding,’ ‘codescoding,’ and the space in-between added or removed. (The apostrophes, added or removed, and-or, moved around.) In this case the adding and the removing (the moving around) is instructive.

Normally, we think the coder adds and removes the space, but, in actuality, it is the circle that adds and removes the space (because there is a necessary circle surrounding the space, whether it is visible or not). And now we are getting to the crux of this article.

In actuality, it is the circle that adds and removes the space…

Space itself has to be a circle. A string of characters. A line, diameter and circumference. Meaning, mind, then, must also be space, the circumference (and diameter) of a circle. Where pi, then, is, absolutely, and observationally, controlling everything (the technical description for space).

Space is present on the page before we add the string of characters. It is also on the page after we add the string of characters. The space on the page does not change even as we add (or remove) the string of characters. The correct name for space then is a string of characters called ‘pi.’

This is because this space is a hidden variable (the constant) between diameter and circumference.

Space itself, then, has to be a circle…

We could also label pi a coupling constant, we could say it is dimensionless. We could say it is a constant variable. We could say it can be substituted for any variable.

And, if we’re honest (techno-logically) (and realistically), we would have to say, pi is in control of the space, and, also the variable. (Because the string of characters ‘space,’ and ‘variable,’ from pi’s point of view, are exactly, and absolutely, the same diameter and circumference of a circle.)

Circumference and Diameter

This is because this space is a hidden variable (the constant) between diameter and circumference.

This is because space is a hidden variable (the constant) between diameter and circumference…

So, now we have to begin (and end) our point of view using pi as the mediator (the controller) (the observer) independent of any numeric variable we have assigned to pi.

This analysis of the string is easier now that we know zero and one are X and Y. X and Y are X and X, and, also X and X’.

This means complementarity proves the conservation of a circle (and vice versa), and this is not difficult to see (understand, agree to). (Analyze.) It means complementarity, is valid, only from the human’s point of view. From the circle’s point of view, circumference and diameter (X and X’) are the same. (The number ‘two’ is constant.)

This means complementarity proves (and provides) the conservation of a circle (and vice versa)…

This also means the conservation of a circle controls everything (X and Y) (zero and one) (true and false) (yes and no) (male and female) (differentiation and integration) etc.

It means the relationship between mind and matter (abstract and concrete) (symbolic and real) (virtual and symbolic) articulates a string of characters, which must always be a line, diameter of a circle.

This means conservation and symmetry (the conservation of symmetry)(Noether’s theorem), and all the rest, articulate the conservation of a unit, which is the conservation of a variable, which is the conservation of mathematics, physics, and technology (the study of mathematics, physics, and technology), hence, the conservation of everything (a human knows about) (including nouns and verbs, prepositions and conjunctions, subjects and objects) (language systems universally) (symbolic systems universally).

Meaning, a human (mind), then, is, technically, and technologically, pi (conserving pi)…

This means a human mind is, technically, and technologically, pi (conserving pi). A human and its background (Nature) articulate (and must conserve) a circle. (Mind and matter is mediated and controlled by pi.)

This also means there is no such thing as a universe. Or, a multiverse.

It means there is, technically (and the mathematician-physicist-technologist has to be technical in order to survive) (where technical is another string for technological) (and logical is not always logical) (technological), there is only such a thing called circle, and its dominating relationship to the string, or, more technically, the thing we call a line.

Logical is not always logical (technological)…

This solves Einstein’s gravity problem.

And, for humans (of all disciplines), it explains the redundancy (and the fungibility) (the chaos) (and the order) all around us (basic reproduction of X to Y, zero to one).

Visualizing everything as one string of characters gives it (accurate) (technological) meaning, and solidifies the physical (and virtual) system study, so it can more realistically be applied (analyzed) (resolved).

Conservation of a circle: core dynamic in Nature (only dynamic in Nature)…

X and Y is X and X.

X and X’.

Zero and one. Circumference and diameter. Physical and symbolic.

Conservation of a Circle

Conservation of a circle is the core (and, therefore, it has to be, the only) dynamic in nature.

