Engaging With the Experience Called ‘Happiness’

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readJul 8, 2017

Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz tell your story.

Wizard. Oz.

Fairy tales are meant to teach a child the meaning of reality. How to engage with reality. How to experience reality. And how to interpret reality. The Wizard of Oz is a perfect example.

Trying to get home, or, if you prefer, on the way home, a little girl is told by a ‘good’ fairy, she has to see a wizard (in OZ). She is told by a ‘bad’ fairy, there is no way she is going to get home, or, get to see the wizard. This sends her on a (circular) journey.

Some know OZ stands for an ounce of gold. The story was written as an allegory pertaining to the gold standard. This, too, is metaphorical. Gold, standard. Both words, to a human, imply ‘going home.’ And, also, going to see the ‘wizard.’ Underneath all of this, there is another allegory about happiness.

You can’t be happy at home. You have to see the ‘wizard.’ So, nature gives you your wish, and generates a storm. You are knocked unconscious, and, then, you wake up in this beautiful place, however, you want to go home. So, nature sends a fairy to tell you how to get there, sending you ‘off,’ ‘to see the wizard.’ The Wonderful Wizard of OZ.

On the journey you meet courage, knowledge, and wisdom, only to figure out, when you, finally, get home, again, you had these before you began the journey. And, also, the wizard was, like you, a human, a bit scatterbrained, and, somewhat, disappointing.

Ok. So, you were happy, then, not so, and, then, again, you wanted to get back to happy. Or, perhaps, the reverse. Whatever. Something important is being taught to a child (was taught to you as a child). You can always recover happiness. It’s a matter of perspective (and attention).

You started out with it, at home. It went away. And, then, it came back. And, you did, too. All about the 50–50 called life. Zero and (then) one, in a circle.

So, now we’re into physics. We’re all brought up with mathematics, and the subject of time. Learning to tell time, with numbers, is one of the great accomplishments of grammar school. Important for survival in society. Important for survival, in general.

Time progresses, like space, from here to there (now to then). Meaning time is controlled by a circle. Yin and yang (ancient). Zero and one (modern).

Yin and Yang (Zero and One) (Here and There) (Then and Now)

Meaning, you are happy, now. You were happy, then. You are happy, here. You are happy, there. Half-of-the-time. All places. All times.

So, take another look around, now. You are already where you are thinking you might like to go. You’re happy half-the-time. In circular reality, that’s enough. Half-the-time is all-the-time.

It’s a matter of perspective (and attention). Everything changes. Nothing changes. You don’t change.

So, that’s it. Dorothy. Come home. From OZ. To OZ. Whether you know it or not, you have everything you need, right now, to get to where you think you want to go (I know. You already know this). You don’t need any wizards. Or Oz.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.


See, also, Rethinking Reality. It’s all about the (conservation of a)… | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | Jan, 2022 | Medium

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