Finding (and Returning to) A Spiritual ‘Home’

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readJan 8, 2018

Zero and one is, necessarily, one and two.

Zero and one. One and two. (Photo by Josh Boot)

You can study physics, or philosophy, in great depth, to come to an obvious conclusion. Physics and philosophy depend on the notion ‘two is one’ (also known as two as one). This is mirrored in all of the worlds’ religions. Starting with yin and yang, and surfacing, now, as zero and one.

Zero and One

This means technology must force us to a spiritual ‘home.’ Explaining the interest in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and deep learning (in general) (universally). Zero and one is, necessarily, one and two.

Zero, one, and two, as we all know, evokes special mathematics, as we are taught we can never ‘divide by zero,’ and, also, an ‘irrational’ number is, when rounded, a rational ‘number.’ We can take this to spirituality, as well, because we all know complementarity is required for identity (any ‘one’). This means we all know ‘two’ is the most basic number, and from a ‘zero’s’ point of view, you cannot have a zero without a one. This is because a zero is, if you want technical accuracy, a circumference.

This is easy to sort out, because mathematics is involved in everything. All the sciences. All art. All religion. And, most important, all psychology.

One and One

You cannot have a ‘one’ without some-other ‘one.’ And this is how humans arrived at the notion of infinite, or, absolute, intelligence. It is also how early humans explained cyclical behavior in nature. They assigned it to a ‘one.’ And, called this ‘one’ by many different ‘names.’

We are still doing this today. We have many religions. Mathematics is one. Science is another. Technology is, now, another. All of these are based on the base relationship of zero and one (one and two).

So, this is how, and, why, we all, in one way or another, eventually find, and return to, (and, therefore, leave) a ‘spiritual’ home. Where spiritual is an other word for ‘intuitional.’ Between any X and Y (X and X) (X and X’) (zero and one), pi creates a circumference and diameter, explaining, in Christianity the holy trinity (pi-diameter-circumference is father-son-and-holy-ghost) (also one-two-three) (zero-one-two).

Pi Diameter Circumference (Zero One Two) (One Two Three)

This explains the background for the ‘cosmic micro wave back ground’ and this will take some time for scientists to ‘discover’ since no scientist of any import is going to acknowledge that the number one is also labeled by billions of humans ‘god.’ (With many other ‘names.’) (Circumference, or diameter, the most important).

So, in a chaotic technological reality, where everything is connected to everything else (by pi, obviously), reality is based on spirituality (the zero, and the one), and this explains why you find strong movements toward meditation, yoga, mindfulness, today. Taking us back to our intuitive self to resurrect silence, stillness, personal-peace.

Again, all of this is found in math. And, therefore, science. The correct name for zero, besides being ‘one,’ is circumference. Therefore a massless photon is, more correctly labeled ‘circle’ (circumference as diameter) (and vice versa). This explains the mandatory circular relationship between movement and stillness (matter and mind).

And, there it is.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.

