How We Know Circularity Is the Dynamic That Controls (and Explains) Everything

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
5 min readMar 7, 2018

Zero and one is circumference and diameter.

Zero and one. (Circumference and diameter.) (Photo by Marian Chinciusan)

Zero and one is circumference and diameter. At first, this may not seem like a big-deal statement. Until you realize it proves zero and infinity are joined, and, also, separated by pi, making pi the basis for mathematics (and therefore, physical systems, all disciplines).

Meaning pi is the correct explanation, operation, and name, for mind (and mind’s circular relationship to matter.)

Any X and-or Y articulate (and must conserve) a circle. This we know for sure because, again, circumference and diameter are held together, and, therefore, separated by pi. Meaning two-not-one (two as one) is the only number in nature.

Complementarity and Identity (All Systems and Disciplines)

This explains why complementarity is the basis for identity. Giving us yin and yang (ancient) and zero and one (modern). Where zero and one is the basis for the binary system, the decimal system, and, therefore, then, technology (everything).

This is proven by imaginary time. Imaginary time, as complex numbers prove, is before and after real time. An X, and a Y, axis (joined and separated by pi).

Again (0)(1)(0) is two-not-one (two-as-one). In physics, this explains black holes and big bangs. In mathematics it explains the variable (and therefore, the constant). In biology it explains sex (constant reproduction). In technology it explains code (and programs) (strings).

Philosophy and Physics (Religion and Science)

In philosophy it explains ontology (and, therefore, epistemology). In psychology it explains id and super-ego, joined, and separated by, ego (diameter and circumference joined and separated by pi). In religion father-son-and-holy-ghost (circumference-diameter-pi). So, now we have Vitruvian man.

Vitruvian man.

Which, to nature, looks like this:

XYZ is XY is X.

This takes us to post-materialistic science, the semio-sphere, realistic agents (semiotic scaffolding and intra-actions). Where any one is, more accurately, labeled ‘two.’ And, therefore, always confused with (and by) the number ‘three.’

Meaning, confusion and chaos is, always, the basis for any kind of ordering (you can’t have one without the other) (negation without duplication).

Psychology and Biology

It also explains why studying for the GRE (quanta, qualia, argumentative reasoning) prepares one for life (decision-making in general).

It explains why it is impossible not to have an integrated thought (any thought is joined and separated from some other thought, and, therefore, in reality, by an additional reality).

All of this adds up to one idea. Relativity is circularity (you can’t have yin without yang, zero without one, therefore yin is yang and zero is one). Explaining the dissonance between old-white-men (and women) and multi-cultural-trans-bi-sexual-millennials.

Mathematics and Technology

This gives us duplicity, redundancy, and sequence. It also gives us a certainty (uncertainty). Which means we already realize everything is entangled with(connected to) everything else, and, in general terms, everything is an alternate, symbolic representation of everything else.

Meaning the subject and the object (any observer, and-or observation) is joined, and, therefore, separated, by, pi.

Pi, then, is the only candidate for a constant background state (the dimensionless background independent coupling constant). Referenced in religion as ‘God,’ and in science as ‘nature.’ Responsible for the cycle (constant relativity) (radiation, rotation, revolution).

Self Sufficiency

This means the self-sufficient state is the only thing you can be sure of (you have to depend on your self) (you are in your own universe) (no one else can get in) (you can never get out). Why, and how, pi connects you and separates you from all the other ‘universes’ in nature.

50–50 Everything

Again, it all gets back to the diagram above.

Therefore, not to worry. Everything is 50–50. Two is the magic number (the only number in nature). And universal circularity is very easy to understand.

It is even easier to apply. You do it naturally. Meaning, change does not change us. Everything changes, nothing changes. You and I are the only two constituents in nature (you and not-you, me and not me). We don’t have to do anything at all to experience, enjoy, and, therefore, maximize (or minimize, if necessary) nature.

Learning About Yourself By Dating An ‘Other’ (Sixty Four Others)

So, therefore, when you go on one date, you are, actually going on sixty-four dates. Four to the third power. The combination of a two-state reality and a three-state reality. Proving the numbers two and three (squares and cubes) articulate the exact same reality (pi-diameter-circumference) (one and two) (zero and one).

Meaning, mathematically, when we go on a date, we are changing into (because of) another person’s reality. Forcing anger to appear in all of us.

Proving we’re all angry, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, half-the-time.

Hydrogen, when burned, produces water. When mating with helium, produces explosions (aka orgasms, big bangs). In actuality, again, hydrogen is water (oxygen), and, also helium. (Again, look at the diagram above to prove this.) (Forget about what you learned in chemistry or physics class.)

To Make It Easier

To make this easier, if zero then one, proves if one then zero. Without this proof, technology, and, therefore we, could not operate. It all revolves around circumference and diameter (the basis point called zero and one).

Conservation of the circle is the core (meaning, the only) dynamic in nature.

