Independent Libertarian: The True Contrarian

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readAug 25, 2018

The self-absorbed, self-sufficient, reality called ‘identity.’

Every person is an independent libertarian. A true contrarian. A self-absorbed, self-sufficient, selfish, self-less identity. A mass of contradiction. An either-or, always-other, point-of-view.

Self Absorbed. Self Sufficient. Contradiction.
Selfless. Selfish.

This is because a ‘contrarian’ point-of-view is the basis for ‘identity.’ Any identity. All identities.

Otherwise known as ‘complementarity’ is an ‘other’ word for ‘duplicity’ which is essential for ‘identity.’ Explaining all the good and bad in ‘politics.’ (Politics in relationships, national, individual, global, institutional, sexual.)

Which is a complicated way of saying complementarity is the basis for identity because duplicity is the basis for a unit because a simple circle is conserved.

Identity. Other-identity. Complementarity.

Meaning, zero and one is one and two. Circumference and diameter. Me and you.

Zero and one. One and two.
Circumference and diameter. Me and you.

Therefore, at the end, and the beginning, of any (every) day, we are, all of us, going to ‘go it alone.’ Otherwise, eventually, we’re forced into an argument. By reality, and Nature.

Meaning, we have to have our ‘share’ of ‘arguments’ before we realize, the argument is unavoidable.

Complementary opposition. ‘Other’ identity.

Thus, in a way, it’s an oxymoron, and a glaring contradiction, to say we are (you are) (I am) independent, and-or libertarian. With opposition all ‘around’ us, it’s impossible, really, to (not) take one side or another. Of any argument.

Once we’ve (you’ve) had enough time to think (carefully) about it, we all end up in the same ‘place.’ There’s no ‘me’ without ‘you.’ No non-contrarian point of view.

So, there it is.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in Nature.

