Intelligent Abstractions

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
6 min readJan 21, 2019

How the Super-Smart Survive

Super-smart, intelligent abstraction. (Photo by Greg Nunes)

Underneath it all, everybody knows ‘everything’ about ‘everything.’ Just ask ‘them.’ They will have to answer: yes or no (meaning yes and no) (yes and-or no) about ‘everything’ and ‘anything.’ No matter what, or how, you ‘ask.’

How this ‘happens’ is very simple. It looks like this:

Yes and no. Yes or no.

Where ‘and’ and ‘or’ articulate the exact same (50–50) reality:


This is how the ‘super-smart’ survive. They know, again, ‘underneath it all’ a simple ‘circle’ (always) survives. No matter the abstraction. Which gives all of us the ‘basis’ point for ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ (Yes ‘or’ no.) True and false, in general.

Pi. Diameter. Circumference.

Where, what a ‘human’ labels ‘mind,’ ‘brain,’ ‘thinking’ is, more technically, and correctly, labeled, ‘pi.’


If you are confused, no matter. You are an ‘intelligent’ abstraction. As is the diagram, and the words beneath (and all around) the diagram. Symbols, in general.

Intelligent abstraction.

If you look closely at the diagram, ignoring any of the ‘words’ surrounding it, you will notice several ‘circles.’ Intelligent abstractions. Where you cannot have a circle without an uber-basic ‘line.’

Several circles. (Lines).

In general, pi-diameter-circumference, is the basis (the intelligent abstraction) for one-two-three. And-or, zero-one-two. (Circle and line).


This means the diagram articulates all of the ‘possible’ symbolic (intelligent) abstractions in the universe. Your universe. And mine.

The universe.
A universe.
Your universe (my universe).

Meaning, again, you can’t have the number ‘one’ without the number ‘two.’ Or, an ‘other’ way of saying this is, you can’t have the number ‘zero’ without the number ‘one.’ Giving us the basis for ‘sequence,’ ‘location,’ ‘movement, in general.’

Zero and-or one.
One and-or two.

Illustrating the simple fact ‘a circle explains’ (and ‘controls) ‘everything.’

A simple circle.
A simple ‘fact.’

Meaning, any ‘unit’ is connected to (and separated from) an ‘other’ unit.

Unit. Units.

Explaining the literal and figurative (symbolic) articulation ‘intelligent abstraction.’


Where zero and one (the zero) (and-or) (the one) articulate all possible abstractions. Giving us the basis for ‘intelligence.’ Artificial and ‘real.’

Artificial and real (symbolic).

Again, all of this is an abstraction for the ‘reality’ we call ‘life.’ Living. Being. Doing. Knowing. Etc.


Where ‘then and there’ is ‘here and now.’ Again, (time and-or space is) an intelligent ‘abstraction.’

Then and there.
Here and now.

Because zero and one is, technically (symbolically), any X and-or Y (circumference and diameter). Proven, easily, by technology and biology.

Zero and one. X and Y.
Technology and biology.

Where the ‘super-smart’ (person within ‘you’) understands this, easily, because we can always substitute one idea for an ‘other.’ Again, explaining, demonstrating, and proving, the circular relationship between abstract and ‘concrete.’ (Symbolic and real).

Symbolic system.
Real system.

Eliminating the need for either (or). (Symbolic) (Real)

Either or. Symbolic. Real.

All because beneath it ‘all,’ behind it all, around it all, (any preposition, or modifier, will do) a simple circle means circumference and diameter is the technical (and real) abstraction for zero and one (X and-or Y). Explaining rotation, revolution, radiation (anything and everything in physics).

Circumference and diameter. Zero and (or) one.

Explaining the connection between a ‘person’ and a (the) ‘universe.’ Any time, place, space. Everything, and anything, in philosophy and psychology.

Time. Space. Place. (Philosophy and psychology).

This explains why everything ‘changes’ even though nothing ‘changes.’

Everything changes. Nothing changes.

And, also, why, and how, all of us can ‘think’ our way through any situation. Argument. Problem. Opportunity. Challenge.

Thought. Thinking.

Meaning, the super-smart don’t take a position on anything. Because underneath it all, they know (you know) every ‘position’ makes the opposing (an other) position ‘real.’ (True and-or false share a circular complementary relationship, where you cannot have one without the other). Any ‘X’ requires ‘Y.’

Complementary Identity.

Where, why, and how, people change their minds. Make up their minds. Use their minds.

Intelligent abstraction.

How does all of this work? No matter what words (or symbols) a ‘human’ uses to describe, define, articulate (his-her version of) ‘reality,’ Nature articulates the human, his-and-or-her symbolic representations (words, numbers, pictures, man-made objects) as the diagram. Meaning, everything reduces and-or expands (where these words have no meaning to a circle) to this diagram:

Where the conservation of an uber-simple circle is the (obvious) core dynamic in Nature. Running, and explaining, and, of course, supporting (allowing for) ‘everything’ and ‘anything.’ Any ‘X’ and-or ‘Y.’

How, and why, the ‘super-smart,’ survive.

