Is Reality a Hash Graph?

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readJun 12, 2021

Yep. Figure it out for your ‘self.’

Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

Reality operates on the core assumption that pi-diameter-circumference articulates an uber-simple (always-present) (continually-conserved) circle.

The Computing ‘Cycle’

Thus, the basic ‘computer’ (computing) ‘cycle’ is, most basically, a circle (pi-diameter-circumference).

This gives us the basis for a hash function, and, thus a hash ‘graph.’ Where a hash, a function, and a graph, require, all of them, a string of characters in a line (more technically, on a line) (as a line). Where a line is always both (would not be possible without the) diameter and circumference of a circle (one zero and one one):

One Zero
One One

This means any string of characters reduces and expands to one zero and one one (the superposition of a zero and a one) (the superposition of a zero on a one).

Unlimited Strings

This gives us an unlimited string of characters, and, unlimited strings of characters, where ‘if one then zero’ is embedded within an uber-basic (always present) (continually conserved) circle. Allowing us to create, and, thus, manipulate, a string of characters.

Where the most basic string has no characters:

Thus, everything else, in block chain technology (and-or, an upgrade to blockchain technology) (crypto-technology in general), no matter the algorithm for the operation, is simplified by (reduced, and-or expanded to,) the diagram above.


Where the advantage of the diagram is it proves there is a singularity supporting reality (hash operations in general).

Thus a graph (any graph) (a network of any kind) is a series of intersecting lines, reducing and expanding to the diagram above (as is any topology) (any unit, technically).

Hash (Graph)

Thus, the tokenization of reality is dependent on a circle (meaning everything in reality is dependent on a circle) (the diagram above).

Meaning we can, absolutely, streamline circuitous processes of all kinds (the basic cycle is ubiquitous, and, articulated, correctly, by the diagram above). The diagram is the token for, what humans call, ‘reality’ (hash) (graph) (a function of any kind) (a network of any kind)(centralized) (decentralized) (multi-directed) (cyclic) (acyclic).

Conservation of the Circle is the core, and, thus, the only, dyanamic in Nature. Biomemetics: The Tokenization of Reality eBook: Yardley, Ilexa: Kindle Store

Continue with: Nature’s Algorithmic Architecture | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | Jun, 2021 | Medium

