Love and Hate You: Half the Time

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readJul 30, 2018

50–50 explains everything.

You can’t have love without hate. And this is something everybody experiences. And ‘knows.’

Therefore, I already ‘know,’ and I will always ‘expect,’ you love me at most, and at least, half-the-time. And this goes for ‘me’ as well.

This reminds me, and you, the ‘both’ of us, of the unresolved ‘anger’ we experienced in childhood (are still ‘experiencing’ now).

Law of Attraction

Explaining why I am attracted to ‘you’ at first, and then, repelled by you ‘down-the-road.’

You, too.

I know.

Half-the-Time Not-So-Much

So, this is pretty easy. We get along with each other only half-the-time. The other half? Not-so-much. As everybody ‘knows.’

Wondering why, then, nature puts all of us ‘together?’

It’s Nature, forcing us to ‘have sex.’ So Nature can reproduce itself. So the sun can continually ‘explode,’ and the moon, then, can continue to ‘circle’ the earth. Where, technically, everything is ‘circling’ everything ‘else.’ (The earth is, correctly, and, definitely, circling the moon; the moon is, correctly, and, definitely, circling the sun. And, always, then, vice versa.)

X and Y. M and F. 0 and 1.

Physics and Psychology

Explaining both hydrogen and oxygen (male and female) (extroverted-dominating and introverted-submissive behavior) (double identity) (indemnity).

We’re born on, or between, a solstice, and-or, an equinox. Wherever we’re born, we’re conceived, metaphorically, three (nine) months apart, half-way around the world (where ‘world’ is the ‘circumference’ of an uber-present ‘circle’). Explaining why we get along with our ‘selves’ (and, therefore, others) only half-the-time.

Explaining the underlying relationship between astronomy and astrology (thinking and feeling). Fire and water. Where any point on (name for) a circle is the same as, and, also, different from, any ‘other.’ (You can’t have a circumference without a diameter.) It’s the number ‘two’ that’s ‘constant (either-or, both-and).

Constant 50–50

Again, you already ‘get’ this. And, so, then, do ‘I’.

Explaining why half-the-time I am definitely going to ‘go it on my own.’ And, so, then, are ‘you.’ (Everything is 50–50.) Now, at least, we (you, me) have the ‘explanation.’

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.

