Monetizing Code: Your Personal Code (Your Name)

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readJun 27, 2017

Your name is a code. Are you using it? Or is it using you?

Code. Name.

Much is written about branding. Your name, as you know, is your brand, and your (personal) code. So you are seeking, whether you realize it or not, no matter what you do, to monetize (your personal) code.

So, all of the rest of technology revolves around monetizing code, no matter how you (or where) (or if) you string the code (conservation of the circle is the explanation, and the basis, for code).

What you are trying to figure out, actually, is why (and where) to monetize code (while code is using you to monetize itself). In essence, we are all involved, now, in asking and answering, what is a code? How to survive using code. What is the best use (of time), with least resistance (best code). What is important to consider: a circle is necessary for both survival, and code. (There is a mandatory circular relationship between code and coder (technology and code) (monetization and code)).

