The Secret To Unsupervised Learning

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
5 min readAug 23, 2018

The circular relationship between ‘zero’ and ‘one.’

The secret to ‘unsupervised’ learning is entangled in, and, therefore, articulated by, this diagram:

Unsupervised. Learning.

Where the diagram proves zero and one are one and two.

Zero and one. One and Two.

Where one and two are log zero and log one.

Log zero. Log one.

Zero and One

Where all of these diagrams (and labels) articulate the circular relationship between zero and one.

Zero. One.

Where linear ‘equations’ and ‘matrix’ mathematics are not possible without (the circular relationship of) the zero and the one.

Circumference and diameter. Zero and one.

Proving the ‘deepest’ of all ‘relationships’ is the ‘circular’ relationship between any zero and one. Explaining ‘tensor’ ‘flow’ and ‘node’ ‘js.’ How they ‘work,’ and, why they’re necessary (if you want to understand ‘machine,’ and-or human, intelligence).

Tensor. Flow. Node. Matrix. Mechanics.

Self Referential Recursion

Explaining the ‘loop’ and the ‘self-referential’ ‘recursion’ responsible for a GAN and CAN (and, also, a LAN).

GAN CAN LAN (Self Referential Recursion)

Where there is a circular relationship between any two ‘nodes,’ because the underlying ‘node’ is, always, the circular relationship between a ‘zero’ (node X) and a ‘one’ (node Y). Where two (not-one) is the ‘operative’ number.

Two. Not-one.
Two. Is-not. One
Two. Is. One.

Where any ‘one’ is equal, if not-equal, to, any, ‘other’ one. Where, again, ‘other’ is the ‘operative’ mechanic (mechanism) (operator) (operation).

Where there is a circular relationship between mechanic and mechanism (operator and operation), taking us back, always, to the zero and the one.

Operator. Operation.

Circularity in (as) Nature

Where you can now look back to ‘notice,’ all of the diagrams articulate a circle. Because everything in Nature articulates a circle. The basis, literally, and figuratively, for a zero and one. The mandatory (conserved) (circular) relationship between a circumference and a diameter (the technical name for both zero and one).


Proving the circular relationship between biology and technology. And the circular relationship, then, between artificial and absolute intelligence. Where intelligence (unsupervised learning) is controlled by, and, more technically, labeled, then, ‘pi.’


Where pi-diameter-circumference is the ‘technical’ ‘description’ (technological definition) for one-two-three.

Pi-diameter-circumference. Zero and one. (One-two-three.)

Explanation for Mind

Where, by now, you understand the technical (circular) relationship between the diagram and your mind. The circular relationship between your mind and mine. Where ‘pi’ is the correct description, then, for ‘mind.’ (Yours, mine, the ‘universe’s’). Where ‘pi’ is what is connecting your mind and mine.


Explaining why ‘half-of-you’ understands this. And the other-half not-at-all, and-or, not-so-much.

Don’t understand. Don’t want to understand.

Explaining why half-of-us don’t want to ‘understand’ what we ‘don’t understand.’ And the ‘other-half’ already ‘understands’ this. Wants to ‘understand’ what we ‘already’ understand. (The deep nature of ‘understanding.’)

Deep. Understanding.
Mind and matter. Abstract and concrete.

Explanation for Technology (and Biology)

Where the zero and one, and, therefore, and, then, the manipulation of a zero and one, is always, underneath it all, based on (articulating) a ‘circular’ relationship between zero and one.

A.K.A. An ‘uber’ simple circle.

Meaning, all of technology (and biology) is covered (explained) (controlled) by an uber-simple algorithm: if zero, then one. Meaning, underneath it all, if one, then zero.

Also coded: (0(1)0)

(0(1)0) | (1(0)1)

(0(1)0) (1(0)1)

(0,1) (1,0)

(0,0) (1,1)









0 : 1

Symbolic Confusion (On Purpose) (By Nature)

Meaning, any symbol articulates the ‘number’ ‘one’ which is, totally, not possible, without the number ‘two.’ Meaning, all ‘symbols’ (data, information in general) (text) (strings) articulate (and are more correctly thought of as) the number ‘two.’ Again, we’re back to the circular relationship between zero and one.

So, we all understand, whether we understand what we’re understanding or not, it’s much deeper than ‘that’ (whatever we are representing with a zero and-or one). We can’t escape, because we’re all ‘controlled by’ the zero (and, therefore, ‘then,’ one).

So, for all of us, interested in ‘deep’ ‘learning’ (unsupervised, supervised, directed) it’s time to contemplate, now, not just ‘how,’ but, much more important, ‘why:’

Contemplating the Self-Referential ‘Self’ and The Societal Implications of Technology in (on) Nature

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature. Forcing all of us to contemplate the motivation for any ‘I’ (the self-referential self) (the societal implications of technology) in Nature.

