One Zero

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
4 min readJul 12, 2019

Unification and Visualization

Unification and Visualization (Photo by Allie Smith)

A ‘visualization’ allows a human to ‘observe’ the ‘natural state’ of a certain ‘set’ of ‘data,’ to communicate an ‘idea,’ as part of a ‘larger’ ‘symbolic ecosystem.

If I tell you all of the words above communicate a singular idea (a ‘singularity’) you will understand me if I give you a ‘visualization’ for ‘unification.’ A.k.a singularity.

To break this down, the ‘two’ paragraphs above string a set of characters, in this case, the alphabet, and the English language, in order to communicate an ‘idea.’ Characters, alphabets, and languages require (prove and always articulate) the circular relationship of individual and group.

Individual. Group.

To ‘understand’ this ‘idea’ you, as a human, have to ‘decode’ the string of characters, meaning, you have to ‘know’ the alphabet, and, also, the English language.

Further, you have to have some context from which to decode or ‘evaluate’ the string of characters, to determine if you want to dig deeper (understand what the communicator is trying to communicate using the alphabet of ‘words’).

Alphabet. Word(s).

And, by now, you are somewhat tired, and, perhaps, already, confused.

So, to simplify: a visualization is a unification, and, always vice versa.

Here is the visualization, and, therefore, the ‘unification.’


This visualization is a one and a zero entangled (sharing an always-conserved, uber-simple, circle).

One Zero
Diameter Circumference

You cannot have a one without a zero because you cannot have a diameter without a circumference. Because an uber-simple circle is the basis for one, and zero. Any visualization.


That is, in order to produce a ‘visual’ we have to ‘draw’ the ‘visual’ (or a computer has to draw it for us, using our ‘instructions’).

Draw. Drawing. Instruction.

That is, a circle (a computer) can be a noun or a verb. In fact, it has to be both in order to be either. And, this, then, explains, unification. The ‘unified background’ that allows computers (visualizations, unifications) to exist ( operate and communicate) is a ‘circle.’


So, the ‘super-smart’ side of you ‘gets this,’ easily. The other side of you, not-so-much. Not-at-all.

There is a circular relationship between any X and Y because there is a circular relationship between any 0 and 1.

How do we know this? The conservation of a circle forces all of us to have ‘two sides,’ 50–50, and to label this ‘two’ (technically, ‘one’) any way we (I, you) want.

Meaning 50–50 is the constant and the norm because the number ‘two’ is the arithmetic reality for any (every) ‘one.’ Explaining, zero, and, also, one. The ‘duplicity’ called ‘Nature.’

If zero, then one.

Meaning if zero, then one, is endemic to a circle (embedded within a circle), proving ‘pi’ has control of reality, allowing all of us to experience reality, and, also, more importantly, to symbolize reality.

Again, if zero, then one, means if one, then zero. Coded (0(1)0). Resident on any human face (proving fungibility, multiplicity, and ambiguity).

Why everyone (and everything) has ‘two’ sides.

Therefore, a simple circle is the most basic computer. Allowing technology to visualize reality. In general. And, also, to ‘survive.’

Computer (noun, verb).

Meaning, if you are still ‘with me,’ the diagram is what provides the unification for Nature, reality, and humans. Technology, and biology, entangled (included).

Even though we see the ‘daisies’ in the photograph ‘above,’ Nature sees the ‘daisies’ like this, a set of zeroes and ones. In fact, Nature sees all of us as one zero and one one (circumference and diameter).

Zeroes and ones.

Meaning, no matter what the visualization, there is a circular relationship between any observer and observation (noun and verb), turning all observations into the diagram above. Where the number ‘two’ is the minimum and maximum (correct representation) (minimum maximum) for any individual. Any ‘group.’

Zero and one. One and two.

So, there you are.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in Nature. Explaining everything. Especially, and including, ‘where the zero (and the one) comes from.’

Ilexa Yardley is the author (and the editor) of The Circular Theory

