Radiation, Revolution and Rotation

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
4 min readJul 8, 2017

There is a circular relationship between any X and Y, explaining human and cosmic dynamics, and the relationship between them.

X and Y are zero and one, diameter and circumference of a circle. This explains radiation, revolution, and rotation, and, also, the relationship between (and, among) these. That is, a circle can only circle, and only a circle can circle, giving us a perpetual line (diameter and circumference)(technically, and technologically, a circle). Resulting in, what a human articulates as, radiation, revolution and rotation (all the same dynamic) (a circle circling) (circle as a noun) (circle as a verb).

Movement is, always, in a line. A human demonstrates this easily (watch yourself move). Meaning, linear movement is always bound by circular movement (a line is always diameter and circumference of a circle). As the human moves, he and-or she is in a circular relationship with the earth. Earth is a circle. Okay, it’s a sphere. A sphere is a circle of circles. It’s the circumference we are interested in, at the moment. The circle turns the human, and the human’s movement, into a circle (a line is, technically, and technologically, a circle).

So, human movement, all of it, is linear action, taking place on a circumference. This means, there is no such thing as linear movement (it’s actually curved movement). So, that means, all the buildings around you are curved (slightly, but curved, just the same). Now, we’re back to radiation (rotation, revolution). Everything is moving. Even though half-of-it always seems still. Still and moving, like any X and-or Y, articulate (and must conserve) a circle.

Conservation of the Circle

Therefore, we get angry, we have fights, and then we work it out (this is in the world of humans). In the cosmic world the same thing is happening. The cosmos gets angry (radiation), has fights (revolutions), and, then, works it out (rotations). In any order. You get the picture (in your mind). Sun. Sun and moon. Moon and earth.

All three of these rotate and revolve, so, it is impossible to say what is revolving around what (like everyone, Galileo had it half-right). Also impossible to separate them. Also possible to confuse them (rotate and revolve may also be called radiate) (radiate is a circle). Human activity, and cosmic activity, then, are bound by a circle. A similar circle. The same circle.

Hydrogen, when burned, produces water. This means hydrogen and water cannot be separated. They are joined, and (supposedly) separated, by a circle. A circle is responsible for any, and all, phase transitions (X to-and-from Y). A circle can only circle. And, only a circle can circle. Zero to-and-from one (and vice versa). Humans. Cosmos.

So hydrogen (the sun) is a circle, and water (the earth) (and moon) is a circle, and they are joined, and, from a human’s point of view, separated, by a circle. Again (sorry), a circle can only circle.

All of the words used, above (and below) are strings of characters, articulating a line, diameter of a circle, reducing to X and Y (actually, zero and one). So, humans use words to explain things. When, actually, they are not explaining anything at all. The circle has control of the whole process (and dynamic). You will have to think this through. The dynamics of a string (a string is a line) (diameter of a circle). Again, controlled by a circle.

So, there it is. Really. You are now ahead of mainstream physics. As you read, and think about this. A circle is thinking this for (with) you (pi is the correct name for your mind). But that’s another article. We can’t escape the circle. Unfortunately. Or fortunately. Depending on your point of view (also, bound by the circle).

Conservation of the circle is the core, and, thus, whether you’re willing to ‘go’ there, or not, the ‘only,’ dynamic in nature.


