The Neural Network: Circling the Square

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readAug 19, 2017

Node dynamics…reversion to the mean…matrix of matrices.

Circling the square (squaring the circle). (Photo by William Bout)

It takes a matrix to produce anything. Where the most basic matrix is a zero. And, a one.

Therefore, a circle is the most basic matrix. Zero and one, circumference and diameter, is responsible for the number ‘two,’ also known as a basic ‘line.’ It is impossible to have the number one without the number two (and vice versa). This proves conservation of a circle.

The line is both diameter and circumference of a circle, meaning, you cannot have a square without a circle (and vice versa). The circle intervenes (joins and separates) between any X and-or Y.

Universal System Architecture

Therefore, X and Y is zero and one. If zero, then one. If one, then zero.

Without the zero, no-one. Without the one, no-zero.

Why planets, and stars, are joined, and separated, by, space. Meaning space is, technically, and technologically, the number ‘pi.’ No-zero. No-one.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.

