The Biggest (and Most Important) Idea

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readNov 19, 2018

Easier, and more obvious, than you (might) think.

Conservation of a circle. (Photo by Samuel Chan)

Zero and one (modern) is yin and yang (ancient).

Zero and one. Yin and yang.

Explaining female and male. And, sex. Basic reproduction.

Female and male. Sex. Basic reproduction.

Providing, for all of us, not just physicists, the basic ‘topology’ of Nature.


Meaning, it is not possible to have a ‘unit,’ in any discipline, without an ‘other’ ‘unit.’ There is a mandatory circular relationship between a ‘unit’ and a ‘group’ (an ‘other’ unit). (An ‘alphabet,’ for example. A ‘number system’ for an ‘other’ example.)

Unit. And-or. Unit.

Explaining both technology and biology. Mathematics and physics.

Technology and biology. Mathematics and physics.

Proving you cannot use words or numbers to explain, or expose, ‘reality.’ You need to use ‘this’ diagram:

Zero and-or one. One and-or two.

Because the diagram(s) above are literal and figurative interpretations made possible by ‘pi.’ Pi as the dimensionless ‘couplingconstant, always ‘in-the-background.’

The conservation of a circle.

Explaining finance and politics. History and war. Human (and all other) relationships.

Finance. Politics. History. War. Relationships in general (and universal).

Where circumference and diameter are one and two (zero and one) (literal and figurative). Explaining all of the ‘narratives’ in Nature. All of the ‘constituents’ in Nature. All of the ‘behavior’ in Nature.

Natural narrative. Constituent. Behavior.

Where there is a mandatory circular relationship between any X and-or Y. (X and X). X and-or X’. Explaining complementarity and identity. Existence, in general. And, universal.

Complementary identity. X and-or Y. Existence universally.

And that’s all there is to Nature. And, reality. Exposing the circular relationship between ‘ideal’ and ‘real.’ An ‘idea’ and it’s ‘physical reality.’ It’s natural ‘reality.’

Idea. Physical reality. (Circular relationship between ideal and real).

Meaning 50–50 defines, is involved in, disrupts, and underlies (explains and controls) everything.

50–50. Constant. Norm.

Conservation of a circle is the reasonable explanation for, and the biggest, and most important, ‘idea’ in, Nature.

