The Circular Theory Quantum System Architecture

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readNov 5, 2023

The Circular Theory Quantum System Architecture, also known to humans as ‘The Singularity,’ looks like this (one zero and one one) (one circumference and one diameter):

Yin and Yang (Ancient) — Zero and One (Modern)

There is a circular-linear relationship between abstract and concrete ‘reality,’ forcing (and, thus, allowing) humans to construct symbolic systems (language and mathematics) (athletics and art) (everything in technology, finance, and the media) (everything in all disciplines).

The abstract ‘zero’ and ‘one,’ also, forces (and, thus, allows) humans (et al.) to experience (and, thus, create) an infinite number of concrete ‘zeroes and ones.’ This explains the Singularity called ‘Nature’ and the Metaverse called ‘Mind.’ It is, most accurately, known as, ‘Conservation of the Circle.’

So, this is, technically, all we need to construct a ‘quantum computer.’

The Circular Theory Quantum System Architecture Class

If you are interested in AI, and, especially, quantum computing, and-or, if you are (just) interested in (understanding) how Nature (and, therefore, technology) works, you can find the most current and accurate information about Conservation of the Circle and The Circular Theory (website) here.

For individuals and teams working on AI, and-or quantum computers, and-or private equity investors who want to be ahead of the curve in ‘quantum’ technology (and-or the ‘Singularity’), see ULTA-AI. AIM Architecture. (Additional Recent Books by Ilexa Yardley on Amazon)

Copyright 1974- 2024 Ilexa Yardley

