The Complementary State

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readAug 26, 2017

Self-sufficiency (complementary identity) explains behavior universally.

Complementary identity. (Photo by

Complementarity is the basis for identity. This produces self-sufficient states. The complementary state.

Therefore, you are either yin, or yang. One or the other, in order to be both. One turns into the other, quite naturally, over time. If you go yin, I am going yang, even if I’d prefer to go yin.

This is because nature conserves a circle. Quite independently of time.

Therefore, personal, and professional, development, goal achievement, intuitive connections, based on an alternative state (the complementary state)produce a natural, nodal structure. Thus, the self-sufficient state.

Complementary Identity (Self-Sufficient State)

The goal is to find stability, safety, predictability, usefulness, time to pray, relax, be happy, at peace. To be a part of whatever seems plausible. Also, known, as, the neutral state.

So, we are granted an awareness, a simplicity, to share. Universal relativity is universal circularity. It takes two, always, to make one, meaning one, is, always, two (the complementary state).

This explains why you cannot have light without dark, yes without no, true without false, male without female, more without less, big without small. Etc. Etc. etc.

Integrated thinking helps us understand the complementary state, so, all of us, can experience, and understand (what is meant by) transfiguration (we can understand two points of view, even if we share one side or the other, of two points of view).

Underneath it all, no matter what happens, we are, always, enjoying, the self-sufficient state (explainable to no one). Eventually, we are, all of us, both sides of the complementary state (complementary reality).

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.

