The Derivative of a Derivative

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readJan 20, 2018

Can only be a derivative. And this explains everything.

The derivative of a derivative. 50–50 explains everything. (Photo by Arnaud Mesureur)

X and Y are 0 and 1. Also, M and F, T and F, Y and N.

Here and there. Then and now.

Input and output. Observation and representation.

X and Y are joined, and separated, by a circle. Circumference and diameter.

This is the basis for a derivative. Meaning, the derivative of a derivative proves a circle is conserved. X and Y, X and X, X and X,’ are, necessarily, diameter and circumference. Complementarity is essential for identity (and vice versa). All disciplines. Time frames. Space frames.

Therefore, two is the only number. And, two is the basis for all the other numbers. All of mathematics. All of physics. All of biology, technology, finance. Two is the core assumption in nature. History. Art. Design.

If X, then Y. Meaning, If Y, then X. Everything changes. Nothing changes. Whatever you assume is true is, necessarily true, and, also, false.

Half of anything is everything. 50–50 explains, and is in control of, everything.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.


