Expectations and the Circular Economy

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
6 min readAug 8, 2018

Zero and one is circumference and diameter (more or less).

Zero and one is circumference and diameter. Which gives us the basis for one and two. Which gives us the basis for ‘more’ and ‘less’ (more or less). Meaning, from, at least, one person’s point of view, more is less.

This determines whether you will decide to ‘live large’ or ‘live small’ which, in turn, determines whether you will be ‘forever’ rich (or poor). Meaning, if you live on one/quarter of your earnings, at all times, you are ‘forever’ rich, no matter how much, or how certain, the ‘earnings.’

This is because ‘more and less’ is 50–50 (you can’t have one without the other). Or, put another way, 50–50 certain. Meaning, 50–50 is the constant and the norm underneath reality. Again, ensuring more is half-the-time less. It looks like this:

Zero and one. Circumference and diameter. More or less.

Pi-diameter-circumference. One-two-three.

You will notice, if you look closely, the diagram is a ‘set’ of ‘entangled’ circles. If I ask you to ‘count’ the circles, or, say ‘how many’ there are, you will, guaranteed, have a ‘problem.’ If I say, more or less, how many? It might seem ‘easier.’ But, again, difficult, if not impossible, to prove.

This is because the ‘entanglement’ above showcases the circular relationship between a diagram (any ‘unit’) and its background. Where the ‘background’ is, always, an ‘even’ one, and the diagram, then, is forced to be an ‘odd’ ‘one.’ (Or, an ‘even’ two.) (Always, a circular relationship between background and foreground.)

Again, a ‘circle’ has ‘three’ points of view, known to mathematicians (all of us) as pi-diameter-circumference. Which gives us the basis for one-two-three, which, in turn, gives us the basis for more and less. And, also, then, more or less.

More and less. More or less. More is less.

Uncertainty, Expectation, 50–50

Why is this important? It proves, and explains, why everything is ‘entangled’ with everything else, why uncertainty and certainty are an even 50–50, and why there is no ‘constant’ and no ‘norm.’ Even as, technically, 50–50 is the ‘constant’ and the ‘norm.’

So, this explains, and proves, any ‘economy’ is based on ‘expectations.’ Meaning, if you ‘expect’ the economy will ‘inflate’ (also known as ‘grow’), you will ‘invest’ in it, and if you ‘expect’ the economy will ‘deflate’ (also known as ‘crash’ and-or ‘stay-the-same’) you will forget about investing, and live on twenty five percent of your earnings. Realizing, half-the-time is all-the-time (50–50 is 50–50–50). (Zero and one is one-two-three). (Diagrammed above.)

This means, technically, half of us believe more is less, and the other half, more is more. Meaning, half-the-time, the same ‘half-of-us’ believes less is more and less is less. If you take it slow, and use the diagram above, you will ‘understand’ this.

50. 50–50. 50–50–50.

Asset is Liability, and, always, Vice Versa

Now you understand human behavior. All of it. People will move to ‘where-they-believe’ the ‘probability’ is highest for them to live on twenty-five percent of their income. Explaining why everyone wants to be a millionaire, a billionaire, a trillionaire.

It’s all about the ‘cash flow,’ and, also, how you (or me), ‘I,’ can ‘escape the tyranny’ of ‘cash flow.’ Meaning, no one wants to be in prison because of ‘cash flow,’ even though we’re, all of us, in prison, because of ‘cash flow.’

This takes us to the asset and the liability, the global ‘balance’ sheet (again, the diagram above). Where an asset is equidistant from a liability. More simply, from a global, and, also an ‘individual’ perspective, a liability is exactly equal to an asset (you can’t have one without the other). Always.

Less is more. Asset is liability.

Ambiguity and Confusion, The Numbers Two, and Three

Again, this is very simple. Not to be complicated by ‘expectations’. Thoughts, and-or feelings.

One circle is, always two circles. Often ‘confused’ as ‘three circles.’ Because ‘pi’ is ‘always’ in the middle.

Meaning, for the genius in you (and me) (and every ‘one’), the number ‘three’ is, more accurately, the number ‘two’ (diagrammed above.) And-or, also, vice, versa (there is a forced ‘ambiguity’ between the numbers ‘three’ and ‘two.’)

One. Two. Three. Individual. Group. Get it. Don’t get it.

The ‘Couple’ as a (Basic) ‘Group’

Any two is a duplicate ‘three’. Also known, technically as ‘one.’ Meaning there is a circle between an individual and a group, where the largest and the smallest group is the number ‘two.’ (A pair; a couple.)

So, this is proven because you are an individual and a group (of two). You are an individual sharing a circle with a group (independent of the size of the group). You are a ‘couple’ of ‘groups’ (you belong to many different groups).

Which means you get it and you don-t get it. Exactly half-the-time. Where half-of me understands you, and the other half, definitely, not. Every human operates with an ‘underlying’ ‘two’ points of view.

Gamblers. Investors.

Cash Flow and The Gambler

This means there is a ‘gambler’ and an ‘investor’ in all of us. Explaining why, and how, an asset is a liability. A stock and-or a bond, is, always a liability. It’s in a bank or at a financial institution, meaning it isn’t ‘cash.’ It’s, always, based on ‘expectations.’ Expectations about a ‘future’ that may never materialize.

And, technically, if everyone tried to ‘cash flow’ (cash-in) their assets, in financial institutions… Well, you know what that means (the 50–50 crash). You are (we are, all of us) taking a 50–50 chance your (our) ‘investment’ (cash, etc). will have ‘value’ down-the-road (you will be able to get it out of the bank). Your (our) ‘expectations’ influence everything you (we) do.

So, this explains why intelligent technologists, these days, want to ‘go-it-on-their-own.’ Meaning, they understand everything ‘above,’ and they want to ‘cash in’ on their ‘investment’ (what they ‘know’ upstairs) (in their ‘mind’). Where, again, the diagram above proves, pi is the correct name for mind (and matter) (individual and group) (abstract and concrete reality). Symbolic representations of ‘reality.’ (Meaning, intelligent technologists don’t gamble, they ‘invest’).

Pi-diameter-circumference. One-two-three. Abstract and concrete.

Expectation Entangled in Everything

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in Nature. Meaning, expectation is involved in everything. We give a ‘relative’ value to ‘more and less’ explaining the role expectation plays in the ‘economy.’

All venture capitalists, and all start-up CEO’s, are ‘gamblers.’ Underneath it all, they believe they are ‘investors’ that can turn a liability into an appreciating asset. Meaning, mentally, they turn 50–50 into 50–50–50 (100 + 1)(they ‘entangle’ two and three).

Why, and how, do they do this?

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in Nature (50–50 is the basis, no matter what we expect) (Nature expects it could go either way).


