The Father-Daughter ‘Relationship’

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readSep 3, 2018

First-born. Second.

Richard Perry/The New York Times

There’s no ‘first’ on a circle.


Except the ‘first-born’ daughter of a ‘father.’

Daughter. Father.

Where ‘hell has no fury like a ‘woman’ ‘scorned.’’

Woman. Scorn.

Meaning, the ‘first-born’ marries the father, and, therefore, ‘hates’ the ‘mother.’ The second-born marries the mother, and, therefore, hates the father. And, always, eventually, down-the-road, for all of them, vice versa (they are all forced to ‘switch’ places).

Where father-mother, sister-brother, articulate the ‘sexual’ mechanics called ‘time.’

Love father. Hate mother.
Love mother. Hate father.
Love-hate. 50–50. Over-time.

Explaining why ‘anger’ is the first stage of grief. All relationships. Time ‘frames.’


Therefore, the father, and his ‘first-born’ daughter, articulate both the ‘psychology’ and the ‘physics’ called ‘time.’

Psychology. Physics. Time.

Explaining why people marry, and, then, divorce.

Marriage. Divorce.

And, also, more important, attract, distract, retract.

Attract. Distract. Retract.

Where it all gets back to mother-father. Sister-brother. First-born. Second-first.

Mother-father. Sister-brother.
First. Second.
Parent. Child.

Where, technically, we’re all ‘second’ on a circle. (Explaining all of the ‘explosions’ ‘resentments’ ‘disappointments’ in Nature).

Nobody wants to be ‘second.’

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in Nature.

