The Most Successful (and Overlooked)Technologist: Jesus of Nazareth

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readApr 27, 2021

Rethinking what he taught…how (and why) he introduced the cryptic Universe…the universal explanation for ‘self…’

Photo by Alessandro Bellone on Unsplash

It wouldn’t hurt, to rethink Jesus of Nazareth, as a person who…

The Cryptic Universe

Introduced the cryptic Universe: Conservation of the Circle as the core, and, thus, the only dynamic in Nature. Explaining myth and its relationship to mathematics…

Yin and yang (ancient) is zero and one (modern). Clarifying the holy trinity: pi-diameter-circumference (father-son-and-holy-ghost). (And, the whole idea of ‘second’ coming.) (The circular-linear relationship between life and death…)


The Cryptic Foundation

He combined Egyptian, Greek, and Roman theory, and integrated it with the DAO (daojia) (daojiao)(Distributed-Apostolic-Oblate)(Data-Accessible-Object)(Decentralized-Autonomous-Organization)… introducing codes and coding because…

Conservation of a Circle

Zero and one is circumference and diameter of an always-conserved circle.

The Cryptic Self

Thus, Conservation of the Circle is, and, always, was, the core, and, thus, the only dynamic in Nature. Explaining the human ‘self’ (tokenization as the identification, and, realization, of ‘self’ in all disciplines)…

Providing a universal (technological)system architecture for (as the biomemetic self behind) all systems…


Jesus of Nazareth, forgotten philosopher, foundational technologist, accomplished teacher, cryptologist, mathematician, physicist, biomemetic token, friend, brother, guide, and iconic (circular-linear) metaphor for all.

Where transfiguration and transubstantiation (consubstantiality) are alternate words (tokens) for tokenization (lex aeterna).

Now, a different, maybe, more expansive, way to think of Him.
The (Real) Theory of Everything, Yardley, Ilexa —

