Nature’s Operating System

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
7 min readNov 22, 2021

One zero equals one one.

If zero, then one. (Photo by Norbert Kowalczyk on Unsplash)

When we say that ‘one zero’ equals ‘one one’ we are calling attention to the fact that the equal sign (in any system, algorithmic and-or logarithmic) (any ‘operation’) (arithmetic, geometric, and-or, algebraic) articulates (and, thus, conserves) a circle (from a circle’s point of view, one circumference equals one diameter) (any ‘two’ units).

Transformations: All Systems

That is, rotation, revolution, and-or radiation (any (and every) transformation) (no matter how many electrons, photons, phonons, planets, units of any kind) (no matter what is revolving around what) (no matter what is ‘transformed’ into what) articulates, and, thus, conserves a circle (e.g.-i.e. a hydrogen atom) (the solar system) (a molecule) (a cell) (an engine) (a computer) (a microprocessor) (a circuit) (a computer program) (an algorithm) (a network)(a brain) (a nucleus) (movement in general) (tokenization in general) (reality in general) (any system) (all disciplines).

This is because, underneath it all, the conservation of a circle is the operating system of Nature. Algorithmically (the algorithm in Nature is), if zero, then one (if one, then zero). Explaining everything in mathematics, science, and technology.

Conservation of a Circle
One Zero One One
One Circumference One Diameter

This explains why hydrogen, when burned, produces water. Where oxygen is an alternate form of hydrogen, technically. According to the conservation of a circle (illustrated and proven above).


Space (and Time)

This, also, explains everything in space (including space itself) (any space) (all spaces). This is because space itself is the conservation of a circle (thus, not possible without time). Why, from a human’s point of view, there ‘appears’ to be a space between one human and an ‘other’ (one unit and an ‘other’). Where, from Nature’s point of view (where Nature is the circular-linear relationship between one unit and an ‘other’) there is, technically, no such thing as ‘space…’ (Human observation (observation in general) inserts the space between one unit and an ‘other’ ) (because pi is, technically, the only ‘observer’) (as proven (and illustrated) below:)

Time and Space

This means no matter what we’re trying to understand, because of Nature’s operating system, all human tokenizations articulate, and, thus, conserve a circle.

Thus, the conservation of a circle produces the universal system architecture of Nature, and, therefore, the architecture for a quantum information system.



All of the (so-called) ‘information’ in Nature is the tokenization of an uber-basic (and always-present) circle.This gives us ‘one zero’ and ‘one one’ (one female and one male) (any X and-or Y). Yin and yang (ancient) is zero and one (modern). Both articulate, and, thus, conserve, a circle. Producing an unlimited number of ‘zeroes’ and ‘ones’ (Nature’s information system) (Nature’s operating system).


This is because the zero is, always, the circumference of a circle. And the one, is, always, the diameter of a circle. No matter how many zeroes and-or ones, the zero is, always a one (and, technically, vice versa). You need both in order to have either (eliminating them both, once you understand what’s really going on).

One ‘Zero’ and One ‘One’

Meaning, the female is zero (technically, circumference) and the male is one (technically, diameter).

Explaining why all females are half-male, and all males are half-female. Where male and female are tokens for an active and passive dynamic (any X and-or Y). Where you need both in order to have either. (Why all humans, eventually, ‘fight.’) (Everything in Nature, eventually, ‘fights’.) (Acts on an opposing view.) (Explaining explosions in space (and on earth).)

This is because it is impossible to have a circumference without a diameter (a half without a whole).

Circumference and-or Diameter
Half and-or Whole

50–50 is the Constant

Which explains how, and, also, why, ‘50–50’ is both the ‘constant’ and the ‘norm.’

(0( 1 )0)

Which explains why each of us ‘feels like’ we are an individual, when, technically, we are, all of us, members of a group (which is, always, an ‘individual.’)

That is, again, it is impossible to have an individual without a group. And, always, vice versa. What we mean when we say ‘everything is connected to everything else…’

Explaining why we experience a cryptic reality (why we are unable to accurately articulate our ideas about reality), no matter what we do. Why all ideas depend on, and, therefore, articulate (and, thus, conserve), the number ‘two.’

The True Number in Nature

Meaning the arithmetic number ‘two’ is the only ‘true’ number in Nature. And the diagram is the only ‘true’ reality called ‘Nature.’ How any individual in Nature appears to Nature:


This means we are, all of us, surrounded by a protective barrier (called the conservation of a circle) (the diagram above) (and below):

Universal System Architecture (Quantum Information System)

And this is why complementarity is essential for identity.

Why the ‘meme’ (any token) (any idea) (whatever idea we attach our ‘selves’ to) controls reality for all of us.

And why reproduction (sex) is the only ‘real’ dynamic in Nature (where ‘sex’ and ‘reproduction’ (and all memes) are tokens for (the conservation of ) a circle) (and ‘pi,’ then, is the only ‘observer’) (pi is all there is to ‘Nature’ and all there is to ‘reality’).

Sex (Pi)


Where input-process-output in any system is the conservation of a circle.


Peace, Prosperity, Enlightenment

Explaining why any ‘idea’ makes the opposing ‘idea’ ‘real.’ (Any movement makes the opposing movement ‘real.’) (Any ‘X’ makes ‘Y’ ‘real.’) Why any ‘assumption’ is half-the-time ‘true’ (true and false articulate a circle).

Meaning, detachment is the only way to experience perfect peace and prosperity, and total understanding. Thus, any’one’ can achieve an enlightened, totally-detached, ‘state.’

Because all of us understand it. Once the diagram (the universal system architecture) (the quantum information system called ‘Nature’) (and-or ‘reality’) is exposed. Two circles in a circle, no matter what they are called (how we tokenize all of our ideas) show us the operating system in Nature (what humans experience as their ‘mind’) (where mind is more correctly tokenized (and explained) as ‘pi’) (again, the operating system of Nature).

Reality (The Human Mind) (Nature’s Operating System)

Conservation of the Circle is the explanation for everything (all of the supposed ‘information’) in (what humans label) (and experience as) ‘reality.’ Also known as: One ‘zero.’ One ‘one.’ (One circumference, and one diameter.) (One female and one male.) Pi controlling all of the tokenizations (think: transformations) in Nature.

Cooperative Competition (Competitive Cooperation) (Complexity in General)

Explaining co-operative and competitive behavior in all systems (complexity in general) (redundancy in general) (reality in general) (reproduction in general) (the copy in general) (one person co-opting) (replicating) (rewording) (referencing) (circulating) another person’s work (another person’s ideas) (in the process, articulating, conserving, and, thus, proving, the conservation of a circle is the only dynamic in Nature).

Universal Tokenization. Cracking the ‘universal’ code: the… | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | Medium

See, also, How (and Why) the Conservation of a Circle is the Core (and only) Dynamic in Nature | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | Medium

See, especially, General Relativity. Space joins (and separates) any X… | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | Jun, 2022 | Medium

Think it through:

Music is totally dependent on, and, always, proves, the conservation of a circle (sound is an infinite circle, light is an infinite line, and you need both to have either) explaining notes, intervals, chords, scales, beats, modulation, repetition, recapitulation, syncopation, and complementary oppositional behavior in general (also known as Nature’s operating system) (the space between one note and another) (why humans move naturally with the beat when they experience music):

Conservation of the Circle

Circular Theory Videos here: What is ‘Intelligent Autonomy?’ — The Circular Theory — Medium

