The Promise of Catholicism

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
4 min readApr 12, 2020

The Greek word for ‘Universal…’

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

We are all ‘catholic.’ In our views. In one way or another. This is because the conservation of an uber-basic circle produces a universal reality for all people (places and things). Where the word ‘catholic’ is an alternate word for ‘universal,’ and the word ‘universal’ is an alternate word for a circle. It looks like this:

Conservation of a Circle

Yin and Yang

Conservation of the circle means yin and yang (ancient) is the same as zero and one (modern). That is, any X and-or Y articulates a circle.

Yin and Yang
Zero and One
X and Y


This explains the number ‘two’ in mathematics. Also known as ‘pi.’ Where X and Y is X and X. And, also, X and X’.

X and X
X and X’

Thus, conservation of the circle explains any X. (And, or, Y.) (X) (XX) (XXX)


It also explains the whole idea of ‘universal.’ Catholicism in general (universality in general). Unitization. Unification.


And, therefore, the word ‘universe.’


Philosophy, Physics, Psychology

Understandably, this explains the basis for all religions. Philosophy (physics) (psychology) in general. The (mysterious) (confusing) relationship between one and one (one and two).

One and One
One and Two

It explains the relationship between any abstract idea and concrete reality. God and man, for one obvious example.

God and Man
Abstract and Concrete

Where all of these words are substitutions for zero and one (circumference and diameter). Literally (concrete). And figuratively (abstract).

Zero and One
Circumference and Diameter


Explaining, in Christianity, the Holy Trinity.

Circumference, Diameter, Pi.
Father, Son, Holy Ghost.

Proving that religious ideas articulate mathematical reality. (Abstract metaphors, concrete realities.)

Idea and Reality

Jesus of Nazareth

So, therefore, you can choose to see Jesus of Nazareth as the greatest mathematician (physicist) (philosopher) (psychologist) (technologist) of all ‘time…’ What he taught, and what his life proved: life is death (one is zero) and vice versa (zero is one). (If zero, then one, because if circumference, then diameter.) Expect hardship to be balanced by awesomeness because everything is 50–50. (Pi (Holy Spirit) is the background state for everything.)

Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Psychology
The Circular Relationship between One and Two (One and One) (Religion in General)


So, this explains ‘reality.’ As soon as you are willing to embrace it. Meaning 50–50 is the constant and the norm, explaining the circular relationship between life and death. And, everything else, then.

Conservation of the circle is the core (only) dynamic in Nature.

