The Psychology of Self-Sufficiency: Everyone Has the Same ‘Mission’

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readNov 10, 2017

How the mission achieves itself through ‘us.’ Integrating autonomy with integrity.

Autonomy and integrity. (Photo by David Marcu)

Everyone has a mission. Half of our ‘mission’ is known to us at the outset. And the other half is discovered as we progress along. Ultimately, all psychology, and all personal ‘missions,’ are tied to self-sufficiency. The desire, and the need, to survive, and ‘reproduce.’

That is, nature expects us to partner and reproduce. So, therein, our mission is set up for us, by nature, and, also by ‘us,’ as we decide what, and how, and with whom, to reproduce. Personally. And, professionally.

This always involves the integration of autonomy and integrity. As we interact with others, all of us have to modify our ‘selves.’ So, in a way, this constantly changes, or refines, our mission (and goals). And our definitions of self, autonomy, integrity.

We have to decide, all along the way, how to achieve autonomy with integrity. We have to decide how to define autonomy, and integrity, for ourselves, in concert with nature, and this, always, includes integrating the autonomy, self-sufficiency, and integrity of others.

So, back to autonomy.

We know there is a circular relationship between individual and group, so, this means, at all times, we are, always, and, only, half-way ‘there.’ This is Zeno’s paradox. Where we’re not dead until we’re dead, meaning, in one sense, we never die, because, as we all know, we can’t ‘know’ when we’re dead (or, so, we, think).

So, we have plenty of ‘time’ to figure out, and, achieve, our mission.

Autonomy can mean financial, emotional, and-or, intellectual, security. It always means physical security. So, in a way, autonomy means we are always integrating personal security with all the aspects of our ‘self.’ And, also, with all of the aspects of all the other ‘selves’ in the universe. Why it is, half-the-time impossible to stay on ‘mission.’

Integrity can mean financial, emotional, intellectual, and physical security as well. So, we have to define integrity, and, also, integration, for our ‘selves.’ Why it is, again, half-the-time, impossible to stay on ‘mission.’

So, the psychology of self-sufficiency demands that everyone stay focused on their own ‘mission.’

Life allows us to discover, and, then, to actualize our mission. Nature gives us a mission. Makes it known to us. Allows us to achieve it. This explains why we get along with others only half-the-time. We have to be at cross-purposes to achieve any mission. Whether we know it or not, and, whether we like it or not.

Meaning, we have to give up X to have Y. While we are achieving X, someone else is achieving Y. This keeps reality, and nature, balanced. It also means, all of us achieve our mission. While we are making choices, our mission achieves itself through us. Which is known to all of us, all along the way, at the beginning, and, at the end. We can’t avoid the circular relationship between X and-or Y.

There is a forced circular relationship between beginning, and, end, autonomy, and integrity. This takes some time to think about. Explaining why we’re always ‘thinking about it.’ All along the way.

Conservation of the circle (yin and yang) (zero and one) (self-sufficiency, autonomy, integrity, personal mission, psychology in general) is the core dynamic in nature.

Ilexa Yardley is the author of The Circular Theory (on Yardley is a retired technologist, financial intermediary, and business developer. Presently, editor of The Circular Theory.

