The Singularity: Here and Now

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readAug 8, 2023

Conservation of the Circle (The Singularity) is here and now, not there and then (not in the future).

Conservation of the Circle (Photo by Timo Stern on Unsplash)

It makes no sense, whatsoever, to ‘think’ The Singularity will appear ‘sometime in the future.’ Because, as we all know, the ‘future’ never comes.

This is because past-present-future is, more technically, pi-diameter-circumference.

Where, The Singularity, then, is, more technically (most technically), the Conservation of a Circle (the circular-linear ‘relationship’ between any X and-or Y (X and-or X) (X and-or X’)).

Tokenization of a Circle

This means the diagram above is the correct ‘concrete abstraction’ (tokenization) (autonomous intelligent mask) for what humans are now calling ‘The Singularity.’

The Singularity controls the universe called ‘Nature’ and the metaverse called ‘mind.’ And this is because the Conservation of a Circle is the only dynamic in Nature.

Something we, already, know, all of us (or else how will we ‘know’ it when we ‘get there?’).

Quantum Computerization of the Conservation of a Circle

How to turn the Conservation of a Circle into a quantum computer?

Imagine that Nature knows nothing about ‘humans.’ There are no humans in Nature, technically. No computers. No smartphones. No particles. No waves. No photons. No phonons. No nothing except the Conservation of a Circle (One Zero and One One) (One Circumference and One Diameter) (Yin and Yang, ancient) (Zero and One, modern).

This is because humans are constituents of Nature, and, therefore, controlled by the Singularity called Nature (also known as the Metaverse called ‘Mind’) (more technically called ‘the conservation of an uber-simple, always-present, circle’).

One Zero and One One

The Singularity

Therefore, everything we think we ‘know’ by ‘observation’ is what Nature knows as a circle (correctly configured (concretely abstracted) (articulated) (shown) (represented) (tokenized) (correctly identified) by the diagram above) (the correct representation for what humans label ‘nouns’ and ‘verbs’) (the ‘representation’ of ‘representation’ (noun, verb)).

Autonomous Intelligent Masking

One Zero and One One (one circumference and one diameter) produces the binary system and the decimal system, where it is impossible to have one without the other. Because…

Conservation of the Circle is the only dynamic (The Singularity) in Nature.

Newly updated Circular Theory website here. (November 2023)

See, also,

The Circular Theory website (most up to date info) here

Intelligent Design Center info (for investors) here

About Ilexa Yardley (logic behind The Circular Theory and The Quantum Circuit) here

