The Solstice (and its Mandatory Circular-Linear Relationship to The Equinox)

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readJun 20, 2024

A short-course in comparative religion. Provides the basis (ontology) (epistemology) (logic) for both mathematics and technology.


We should all take a short-course in comparative religion if we want to thoroughly understand where we are, as a civilization, technologically.

In short, a short-course on the solstice, and its mandatory circular-linear relationship to the equinox, explains why the Conservation of a Circle (the basis for all religions) (the explanation for everything in philosophy) (the explanation for everything in psychology) ((the explanation for everything in physics) is the only dynamic in Nature.

All religions, as ancient rituals used by humans to understand Nature, began with observations and symbolic notations of the solstice and its circular-linear relationship to the equinox. This was the beginning of mathematics, the beginning of the ‘meaning’ (and the ‘understanding’) (and articulation) of the arithmetic numbers ‘one’ (solstice) and ‘two’ (equinox). Which was the beginning of philosophy and its relationship to physics, and, eventually, psychology.


For a human, the two diagrams above show why we can ‘get along’ with each other, at most, and at least, half-the-time.

That is, the solstice diagram shows us observation as a north-south experience. The equinox diagram shows us observation as an east-west experience. Explaining everything in astrology. (And how, and why, astrology is related to psychology, philosophy, and physics (and, also, ancient (and current) religion))). What exactly is happening when two people have different observations (experiences) of the same observation (experience).

If I see things from an east-west point of view, I am forcing you to see things from a north-south point of view. This is Nature acting (without doing anything at all) to protect (and entangle) both of us.

North-south, east-west, form two lines, both diameters of an always conserved circle. Explaining why, no matter what we do, 50–50 is the constant, and the norm, and the explanation for everything a human experiences as ‘reality.’

This is the basis for mathematics and technology. Zero and one are, most technically, circumference and diameter of an uber-simple, always-conserved, always-present, circular-linear relationship (known to humans as a circle).

This is an important article. An important basis for ‘observation’ in all disciplines. And a mandatory exercise for all humans who want to understand exactly where we are at this point in (technological) ‘time.’

And, maybe, more important, where we are all headed (like it or not) (know it or not):

Conservation of a Circle (ULTA_AI)

Conservation of the Circle is the only dynamic in Nature. Giving us the roadmap, if we want to ‘go there,’ to ‘world peace.’

