Tokenization: The Key to Philosophy, Physics, and Psychology

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
5 min readApr 14, 2021

Zero and One: Knowledge and Power

Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

Knowledge is power. This was identified, represented, and interpreted (tokenized) by Michel Foucault. And, referenced by everyone that came before, and, after him.


That is, technically, we are beginning to ‘realize,’ ‘zero and one’ is the ‘circumference and diameter’ of an always-present (and in-command) (continually recursive) circle. Producing knowledge. Leading to power.

That is, the conservation of a circle controls, what humans label, ‘reality.’

Knowledge and Power
Conservation of a Circle

This means we live in a completely tokenized reality. A referential reality. Where one thing tokenizes an ‘other.’ And one thing references an ‘other.’ Because the ‘zero’ is the circumference, and the ‘one’ is the diameter, of a continually recursive (think: self imposed) circle (sometimes called a ‘strange loop’) (more technically, a hyper-recursive ‘link’).

Thus, what follows is the idea that we live in a ‘matrix’ that is nothing more (or less) than a ‘simulation’ (an imagination). This is because humans (and everything else in Nature) are dependent on abstractions. Where ‘abstraction’ is both a noun and verb (because a circle is both a noun and verb) (tokenizing all of the nouns and verbs in Nature).

Nature (Abstract and Concrete)

Thus the diagram above is the token for everything in Nature.


Philosophy, physics, and psychology use abstract identification (more correctly thought of as ‘tokenization’) in order to understand the whole idea of ‘self.’

That is ‘my self’ and ‘your self’ inter-react using a ‘universal self’ that can only be represented, and-or tokenized, like this:


That is, everything in Christianity, which is based on Greek ideas, which were copied, and integrated, into Roman ‘architecture’ (physical and abstract), and then ‘passed down’ (and over) to all of the other ‘civilizations’ in the world, including ancient civilizations in Asia and Latin America, is based on (a simple) tokenization. (Which is a complicated way of saying ‘religion’ in all cultures articulates mathematics, and mathematics articulates religion.) (Both are tokens for an uber-simple circle.)

Tokenization always articulates a ‘self’ as the relationship between an abstract and a concrete (universal) ‘self.’ (Also known, sometimes, as ‘God’). Where the word ‘self’ means, technically, the word ‘one,’ which is, more technically, an always-conserved circle. Meaning, the word ‘God’ technically means ‘mind’ universally.

God has many names. And many representatives. Through history. Across societies and timeframes and geographies. But, nonetheless, the relationship between ‘one’ and ‘one’ (self and other self) was tokenized long ago (and continues to be tokenized today). Because, technically ‘pi’ (the technical term for ‘mind’) is what tokenizes (controls) ‘reality.’

Again, it looks like this (no matter what you call it) (no matter how you tokenize it):

One and One


Thus, all ‘identities,’ in philosophy, physics, and psychology (knowledge in general), are tokenized by this diagram, because the conservation of a circle controls the relationship between a concrete and an abstract ‘one.’ Allowing us to create systems in mathematics, for example, and-or language, for another, that we, sometimes, label: ‘symbols’ for ‘reality.’

A more modern word for symbol is token. Thus, tokenization is the key to (all of the ideas in) philosophy, physics, and psychology. Because these all depend on a circular (self-recursive) relationship (the conservation of a circle) between X and X. (Explaining ‘Roman’ numerals, for example.) (NFT for another.)

X and X

Thus, we have no power, technically. Our systems are tokenized. And we are tokenized. Everything in Nature is tokenized: the token for a circle (the diagram).

So, thus the emphasis on, and the reaction to, powerlessness, is an exaggeration of power which results in, what you might think of as ‘hyper-tokenization’) (think: government, and-or financial system) (which is what is happening in technology, currently) (exploding NFT’s) (and cryptocurrencies).


Where power, like everything else, is the circular relationship between ‘zero’ and ‘one.’ Which is naturally tokenized into ‘death’ and ‘life.’ In any, and all, systems (and disciplines).

Thus, it’s tokenization we are interested in. And involved with. Circumscribed by. At all times and in all places.

This is because tokenization is the conservation of a circle which is the motivation (producing the meaning) for life (Nature and reality).


Where, we’re, all of us, busy turning (think: tokenizing) ‘zeroes’ into ‘ones.’ No matter what we do.


Conservation of the Circle is the core, and, thus, the only, dynamic in Nature. Proving tokenization is the key to philosophy, physics, and psychology. Meaning: you are whatever you think you are. Zero and-or one. Zero into one. Zero coming from, and going to, one. One coming from, and going to, zero. The rest? Superfluous. Tokenization: The Key to Philosophy, Physics, and Psychology eBook: Yardley, Ilexa: Kindle Store

Continue with: Mind: Not (in) the Brain. X and X always references a circle. | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | Apr, 2021 | Medium

