Universal System Architecture & Biomemetics

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readJun 2, 2021


How crypto-reality (and reality in general) works: technology + memetics.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao

Crypto-reality depends upon a unversal system architecture that looks like this:

(0( 1 )0)

Tokenized Reality

Meaning, we live in a tokenized (think: circular-linear) reality that combines technology and memetics. Producing intelligent autonomy and the qubit (and, therefore, the solution to quantum computing).

Where technology and memetics are dependent on the circular-linear relationship between a zero and a one (more technically, a circumference and a diameter).

Meaning the constant (and therefore, the norm) is 50–50. Where it is impossible to have a constant without a norm, and, always, vice versa, because it is impossible to have a circumference (a zero) without a diameter (a one).

Meaning, the constant is a variable (the variable is constant) (movement is constant).


Technological Reality

Thus, there is a forced circular-linear relationship between an individual and a group, explaining the hash function (repeating variables) (repeating constants). And reproduction, in general (code) (copy) (repetition) (looping) (logic) (duality) (singularity).

Which explains everything in mathematics, physics (chemistry) and, biology. Therefore, everything in technology.

Where a string of characters reduces and expands to one zero and one one (an always present, continually conserved, uber-basic, and, continually, abstract, circle). Which produces tokens, and, therefore, tokenization. Where, again, it’s impossible to have one without the other.

Token (Tokenization)

Meaning, technically, there’s no such thing as zero or one. The arithmetic number ‘two’ is the only number (the natural number) (the singularity) in Nature. Because, technically an uber basic circle connects everything to everything (a node shares a circular relationship with a network).


Explaining (and exposing) redundancy, duplication, multiplicity, and ambiguity. Without which, nothing could exist.

Thus, crypto-reality is a meme for, what humans call, ‘reality,’ in general, and, always, vice versa. Where, technically, and all of us know this, there is no such thing as (a singular) ‘reality.’

Every ‘body’ (and every ’thing’), continually, copies every ‘body’ (and every ‘thing’) else (everything is a copy of the diagram below).

Reality (X and X)

Conservation of the Circle is the core, and, thus the only, dynamic in Nature. Explaining tokenization, tokens, reality, exchange, crypto-currency, crypto-technology, and crypto-reality (reality) in general. The diagram above.

Amazon.com: The Universal System Architecture of Nature: Conservation of a Circle eBook : Yardley, Ilexa: Kindle Store
Amazon.com: Biomemetics: The Tokenization of Reality eBook: Yardley, Ilexa: Kindle Store

Continue with: The Identification of ‘X’. Cryptography (crypto-technology)… | by Ilexa Yardley | The Circular Theory | May, 2021 | Medium

