What a Solar Eclipse Teaches Us About A Neural Network

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readAug 19, 2017

X-Y-Z is X-O-R

Photo by Predictive Science, Inc.

X-Y-Z is a basic three-state-system defined by pi-diameter-circumference. That is, X-Y-Z is, always, X-Y, because you cannot have Z without X. This is counter-intuitive. Meaning, it does not make sense, it is overly confusing, and takes too much time to think about. X-Y-Z is X-O-R (for deep learners).

Half-of-all-people (plural, singular) do not want to think that much. (Half of the moon, and the earth, and, therefore, the sun, is in-the-dark).

So, nature has given us the eclipse. To do our thinking for us.

A human labels X-Y-Z, sun-moon-earth. Therefore, a basic three state system is in view at all times. One projects light. The other two reflect light. Thus, the three state system is, always a two-state system. Projector-reflector (input-output).

Universal System Architecture

This is nothing new. Yin and yang in ancient times, zero and one in modern times, identified the three-state-two-state-system (five-state-system). That is, three-state, and two-state, make five-state, another two-state system.

That is, earth-sun-moon, is five states, when you take space into consideration. Space between earth and sun, space between sun and moon.

Space is the confusing factor (the background state, that doesn’t have a number, really) (that can be any number, really).

So, if we move to background state, and forget about light altogether, we have another two-state system, background-foreground. This shares, like any X and Y, a circular relationship, meaning pi-diameter-circumference is diameter-circumference. At all times. In any state

Therefore, a line is the most basic state in nature (look all around you). The line serves as perimeter, dividing, and joining, one state from, and to, an other.

This is pi functioning as space (circumference, and, diameter). Where pi has no physical location. Pi is an abstract location (forcing physical locations).

This takes us to node.js. Any planet, and-or, star, is a node, on a neural network. A human using the human mind detects, and labels, the node (the planet, and the star). Proving the human mind is pi. (Node to node is connected by pi, visualized as a line.)

That’s all there is to it. Pretty simple. Yin and yang is zero and one circumference and diameter of a circle. Meaning complementarity is the basis for identity. Duplicity is the basis for a unit. Two (not-one) is the basic number in nature.

X-Y-Z is X-O-R, where X, and O, and R, are X, and X, and X. (X and X) (X and X’).

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.


