Becoming (More) Realistic About Politics

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readSep 21, 2020

Do you really understand the physics behind politics? Or is it just math?

Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

If you like to argue, of course, you love politics. And, if you don’t like to argue. Well, forget about politics.

Politics teaches us everything we need to know about physics. And, vice versa.

That is, yin and yang is zero and one (algebraically). So, therefore, zero and one is, well, depending on your naming convention, liberal and conservative. Democrat and Republican. Progressive and regressive. (Politics in general.)

Yin and Yang (Zero and One)

This stems from mathematics, and, therefore, it, mandatorily, shows up in physics.

Zero and one is circumference and diameter. Literally and figuratively. Also known, in biology, as female and male. In physics as rotation, revolution and radiation (movement in general) (explosions in general) (perspective in general).

Any identifying characteristic is bound by complementarity. Therefore, ‘two’ is the most basic number in Nature (‘not one’). Known as complementary identity. (Identity in general.)

Complementary Identity

That is, you cannot have zero without one, and, therefore, you cannot have one without two. Because you cannot have a circumference without a diameter. Which is basic geometry (and algebra) (and arithmetic). Meaning, you cannot have X without Y.

Zero and One (Female and Male)
One and Two (Parent and Child)
Circumference and Diameter (X and Y)

If you take the time to think this through (it shouldn’t take very long) you will have an ‘a-ha’ moment. And, perhaps, you will decide the ‘argument’ (political or otherwise) is not only ubiquitous (it is the basis for Nature in general), it is required. And, therefore, unnecessary.

Thus, the explanation for ‘detachment’ in philosophy, ‘letting go’ in psychology, and ‘acceptance’ in whatever discipline you want to ‘name’ (understand). Politics, especially, and, notwithstanding.

This explains both ‘law,’ and ‘finance.’ (The basis for politics, in general.) Why these go together. Like hand and glove. Zero and one. Yin and yang.

X and Y (X or Y)

Meaning, you cannot have X without Y. In any discipline. Where, when all is said and done, X is Y. If you take the ‘long view’ (see the big picture).

That is, from pi’s point of view, circumference and diameter are the same, if they are ever to be different. And this is the sentence you have to spend some serious time thinking about if you want to understand politics. Physics. Reality. Life in general. Why, eventually, all of us tire of arguments.

Conservation of the Circle is the core (and, therefore, the only) dynamic in Nature. Explaining the relationship between politics and physics. Explaining relationships in general (all disciplines).

