Why Circular Theory Overrides All Modes of Thinking

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readJul 25, 2017

Science and technology give one-half of the picture. At least. At most.

Uber basic circle. (Photo by Jorge Vaconez)

Galileo revolutionized history, science, and technology, when he discovered, and made public, the view, earth is not the center, concerning the solar system. He used a telescope to do this. And he published his views in the vernacular (meaning, he used social media to articulate his view) (instead of the educational canon).

Since then, telescopes, and microscopes, and social media, have overtaken the world. This has impacted everything, most importantly, the nature of time. And, the notion of time.

In Galileo’s time, clocks and compasses were tied to astrology, and astrology was tied to astronomy. Nothing has changed. Astrology and astronomy are still with us, even as, the canon has changed. Clocks and compasses, have turned into circuits and switches, and, in our current time frame, sensors control everything. Sensors, and switches, circuits, and time frames, articulate, and, thus, conserve, an uber-basic circle.

So, by now, complementarity has overtaken everything. Meaning, ancient complementarity, yin and yang, has become modern complementarity, zero and one. Making all of us realize, the binary system shares a mandatory circle with the decimal system. Meaning, what we’re left with is the circular relationship of zero and one. Base zero and base one. Strings of zeroes. And strings of ones.

So, it’s the circular relationship that is revolutionizing everything in our time, frame, not-so-much, the circuit, and-or, the switch. Everything has stayed the same, since ancient times, even as everything has changed, in modern times. This proves the circular theory overrides all modes of thinking.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.


