Why Everything You Read Is Inaccurate (On One Level or Another)

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readOct 22, 2020

Conservation of a circle is the core dynamic behind everything.

Photo by McKaela Taylor on Unsplash

You can’t believe anything you read. Because the conservation of a circle is the core dynamic behind everything. Easily proved, thus:

Conservation of a Circle
Circumference and Diameter (Zero and One)
Literal and Figurative

Nature’s Motivation

More important, conservation of the circle is the ‘reason’ (and the natural motivation)for everything you do.

That is, the real reason why you are reading (or doing anything at all) from Nature’s point of view, is to conserve a circle. All of the symbolic representations humans use to describe behavior (human) (Nature) are representations (and, thus, conservation) of an uber-simple (always conserved) (always present) circle.

Human Behavior
Nature’s Behavior

This means everything you read is, at all times, half-true, half-false. Explaining why, underneath it all, the circular relationship between any X and Y proves everything is (half-the-time) (thus, all-the-time) BS.

True and False
Half and Whole

Oppositional Behavior in General

Explaining why half-the-time we argue. The other half, not so much. (Complementary Opposition) (Complementary Identity)

Everything is controlled by the conservation of an uber-simple (ultra-realistic) circle. Meaning, at all times, half-of-me believes you, the other-half, not-at-all.

Half and Half

Explaining why people can only expect to ‘get along’ half-the-time, no matter the relationship. Meaning, we all ‘tell-the-truth’ half-the-time. Because, from a circle’s point of view, half-the-time is all-the-time. Explaining ‘inaccuracy’ in general


Conservation of an uber-simple circle explains everything. Especially why, underneath it all, we all believe the same thing: everything is BS (in one way or another).


