Why It’s Impossible to Fight Fake News

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readAug 4, 2017

True and false conserve a circle.

Fake news. (Photo by Zoltan Kovacs)

Everything is 50–50. Proven, easily, by complementarity. Meaning, if I go yin, you have to go yang. No way around it. No doubt about it.

So this is why we have enemies. In nature. And, also, fake news.

So a media strategy has to consider this. Any bashing is reverberated through time (by an underlying circle). Proving, everything reverts to the mean.

Proving, also, you can’t hide the truth about anything.

And, also, there is no such thing as truth. Everything involves perspective. Bias. Pre-conditioned point of view. It’s going to go to 50–50 no matter what you do.

Why smart wealthy people stay way far away from the news.

Better to say nothing. Than to say something. That will, definitely, be held, against, you. Or, better yet. Just agree with your enemies. Pointing out, you understand their ‘half’ of the truth.

Make sure you say ‘half.’ ‘Life is 50–50.’ You can, always, understand their perspective. Which is, always, balanced by, your, perspective. No need to use the words ‘I disagree.’ Better, ‘it’s also true that…’ Opposing points of view are (both) true.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.


