Why Suicide? (Why Not?)

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
3 min readJun 8, 2018

It’s all about the circle.

Life is 50–50. We all know this. Meaning, half-the-time we choose to forget it.

Which explains why everyone doesn’t commit suicide (all at once).

Which, also, explains why suicide is increasing. Sex and death explains it all.

All About the Circle

It’s all about the circle. Some call it ‘the circle of life.’ But it goes much deeper, and much farther, than that. Circularity is constant. The basis (the true ‘name’) for identity. All systems. Disciplines.

We all know everything operates via ‘complementarity.’ Yin for yang (ancient), zero for one, modern. Because a simple circle (circumference for diameter) is in control.

So if you say, for example, you are an introvert, this can only be true ‘half-the-time.’ The other half, by Nature, because of circularity (complementarity), you are forced to be an extrovert (or else you wouldn’t be able to survive (eat, for example)). In truth, again, via circularity, we’re all ‘both.’

Explaining Everything

And, this applies to everything. You can only be ‘anything’ half-the-time. The other half, you’re the opposite. Underneath it all, in the constant, dimensionless, background, it looks like this:

Yin and yang. Zero and one. X and Y.

So, once you get to ‘age’ 60, you’re on-your-way to death (anyway). Meaning, you have to have real ‘discipline’ (applied obliviousness) to stay involved. Engaged. You’ve been through the constant yin and yang of life. You’re tired (of it all) (the repetition) (the boredom) (the interpersonal conflict) (half-the-time-on-again-off-again).

If you’re younger than 40, you’re too busy trying to figure out what to do with your life to notice. Between 40-and 60, you’re ‘on the edge’ (not-young, not-old), so, actually you can go both (either) way(s). You still have basic ‘patience.’ Or, maybe not.

Killing Time

We all have to find things to do to ‘kill time.’ This is because time and space are bound, like everything else, by an uber-simple circle (rotation, revolution, radiation). Again, at early ages killing time is (can be) ‘fun.’ You’re thinking: I have so much to look forward to.

In the later ages it can feel like all the ‘fun’ is left ‘behind’ you. For half-of-us, at-all-times, this explains suicide. And, also, homicide. Once you’ve passed the ‘midpoint’ you’re asking yourself, constantly, ‘life or death’? Explaining why we never really know whether or not we have passed the ‘midpoint.’

Life and Death. Before and After (Midpoint).

A physician, when asked, by a patient, not to treat a disease, replied: ‘You’ll get no argument from me. The way we practice medicine, these days, we are, actually, interfering with evolution.’ Translate: we’re interfering with Nature.

Constant Argument

Maybe. Maybe not. You can predict you’ll get an argument on all of these ideas. Again, ’cause life is 50–50. We can’t get away from these odds, or the argument, which, for half is ‘awesome,’ and, the-other-half, ‘depressing.’ Always.

And you can notice within, you share both thoughts, and feelings, half-the-time.


Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature. Explaining everything. Especially, suicide.


