Cirus x TAG Community AMA Recap

AMA on TAG Community TG channel July 8th 2021

Cirus Foundation
Cirus Foundation
10 min readJul 24, 2021


TAG Community TG channel July 8th 2021

Thank you TAG Community for sharing the transcript from from our AMA so that our community can learn more about The Cirus Foundation!

AMA Transcript —TAG Community TG channel July 8th 2021

On the July 8 th, TAG community has a Telegram AMA with Cirus Foundation

At the AMA: Daniel Bland, Co-Founder. Micheal Luckhoo, Co-Founder & Managing Director. David Brown, Head of community and research. Mike Miclea, Head of marketing.

And here are the key takeaways of the AMA:
Tag: The AMA would be happened as follows

  • Part 1: Warm up.
  • Part 2: Answer the selected questions from Twitter. (5 questions)
  • Part 3: The freedom Q&A session. (5 questions)

Tag: We will start with the first question
Hi Cirus Foundation, could you please introduce your team to the TAG community and how the project came to life?
Cirus Foundation: Hey TAG community, first and foremost it’s a pleasure to be here and thank you for spending your time learning more about our project today!
The Cirus team, and our partners, bring a wealth of experience from many different backgrounds — Emerging Technology, Blockchain, Data, Entrepreneurship, Advertising and much more. Daniel (Co-Founder) and Michael (Managing Director) , our main speakers today, have been building technology companies for many years and the Cirus Foundation was born from the realization that big data is broken and that control should lie with the owner of the data, not the corporations that monetize it! Through their entrepreneurial vision, they saw a need that had to be filled and we designed a solution to fill it.
Alongside Daniel & Michael today is David Brown, Head of Research & Community, and myself, Mike Miclea, Head of Marketing.
We’re very excited to be here!

Tag: Can you tell us a bit about Cirus and the problems you aim to solve?
Cirus Foundation: Absolutely!
At Cirus we believe that data, our largest digital asset, should be owned and controlled by the individual creating it — The People.
Cirus empowers individuals and unlocks data as a form of digital currency, enabling people across the world to freely participate in value generation from their largest digital asset — DATA.
We accomplish this with a two-tiered model: hardware and virtual systems. The CIRUS device replaces a traditional Wi-Fi router and allows the user to collect high quality data from all internet-enabled devices.
The Virtual Cirus is a lightweight client, kind of like an extension, enabling node creation to support the network and data collection. Our enterprise go-to-market strategy enables our hardware solution to reach a very large amount of people… more on this later!
Our goal is to bring new users into the digital economy and drive true adoption through their data asset or “found-money” to open more streams of wealth creation for them. This will bridge the adoption gap in crypto and create new avenues into DeFi and wallet applications as we expand!

Tag: What is your timeline for product release and will it be available everywhere initially? How can we get involved in the project right now?
Cirus Foundation: Initial prototype release has already occurred and our testing campaign is in full swing! Over the coming months we intend to deploy Virtual Cirus as the first consumer product, with rollout of the hardware device in 4 months, with steady ramp-up over the coming year.

Tag: We have heard and seen in your content that launch is around the corner. Could you share any insight into your upcoming plans with the TAG Community?
Cirus Foundation: Yes, you’re right, we are launching this month! Our purpose is to be thoughtful in this approach rather than a simple launch and for that reason we are building our initial solution with specific partners to further ecosystem growth. Without revealing too much, we hope to share this with you in the coming week and I bet you will be impressed! a part of this strategy will include multiple global partners joining the table for a more diverse launch!

To continue, we turn to Segment 2: Answer the selected Twitter questions.

First of all, I would like to say thanks to Tag’s members who have sent many questions about Cirus Foundation to us.

Tag: Do you have any plans to attract Non-crypto investors to Cirus. Because it is the success of a project to get more investors who are still not in the crypto world. What are the plans to increase awareness around yours in non-crypto space?
Cirus Foundation: This is a really good question and is at the core of our business model. Our rollout strategy is centered on the idea of mass adoption. That includes non-crypto users as well. Targeting ISPs (Internet Service Providers) for adoption will put Cirus into the hands of a broad range of users (anyone with internet access), and bring many into WEB3 for the first time through our seamless onramp! Stay tuned for announcements detailing our initial ISP contracts.
Further, we believe data may in fact be the first digital asset that people unlock, esspecicially in the emerging markets. This means that the individual will recieve crypto as form a data revenue to their Cirus Wallet, further solving the accessability to many in owing their own crypto asset.

Tag: The second question from @Hridoy5808464
Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, within a short/ long time of release. Is Cirus Foundation like this? If not can you tell us what makes you different from other projects?
Cirus Foundation: That’s a perfectly timed question, we’re excited to share that we have launched 4,000 units in sandbox testing and we are very encouraged by the results and isights we have gained from the hardware, software and data quality.
Cirus has been in development for over 2.5 years and is by no means a “promise project” The team and senior executives who are joining have built tech companies before and we intend to execute again.
Our model by design was to adress one of the biggest challenges in the crypto space… Adoption.
A lot in store over the next few months.
Major executives coming on board!

Tag: Yep, it’s true, covid pandemic is a serious problem in the global community at the moment, but the other side of a coin is that it brought out a lots of new opportunities for crypto world
Cirus Foundation: Absolutely, we have to take the positives along with the heartache that we have all lived through

Tag: Cirus data is handled and managed securely by a hybrid DMP — DSP combination. What are the advantages of the system, why do you use it and what impact will users feel and the benefits for your platform?
Cirus Foundation: Great question! Our DMP (Data Management Platform) — DSP (Demand Side Platform) combo is the heart of the Cirus Core Platform (our software backend). The DMP processes user permissions and organizes data securely, generating valuable insights, while the DSP powers data monetization. The two compliment each other, turning data into an asset, then monetizing it for the user while an internal feedback loop makes the pair smarter and more effective over time.
The system works quietly in the background once configured, turning data into cryptocurrency.
It’s very important to mention that there is no change in behavior needed from the user (this all happens passively!), but they’ll sure see a benefit from it!

Tag: And the last question, after seeing the roadmap, Cirus Vision is very good but it needs a large user traffic to be sustainable over time. What marketing strategies have you planned to increase the validity of your brand? Are you planning a strategic Partnership to level up your project?
Cirus Foundation: Strategic partnerships are very important to the success of a project — No such thing as doing it all on your own!
We’ve partnered with leaders in distribution through Internet Service Providers and hardware production as well (more on this to come soon). This has positioned us well to face the challenges involved in rolling out a project of this scale! In the longer term, additional partnerships will be required to fulfill our complete vision for what your data can do for you.
As mentioned earlier, we’ve also brought on some very impressive team members, with experience in all aspects of the project. We can’t say much more right now but stay tuned..!
From the marketing side we’re a community first project and we’re focused on making sure our community is included every step of the way! In my opinion, there’s nothing more powerful than a strong community.

Tag: It’s true, you got a great move. Exceited to see what Cirus will bring out to the table

We have just finished segment 2 of today’s AMA session
Now we turn to Segment 3: Live Q&A session (5 questions)
At this segment, I will open the chat a few minutes to receive the questions. Let pick your favorite ones when the chat’s closed

Tag: All projects attention on major exchanges is of greater interest to users than small exchanges. What do you think about token listing on top exchanges?
Cirus Foundation: You have a few good questions here. We approach this from a few factors:
Regional deployment of the device is also in line with having a strategic partner in place. We aim to achieve this by having a regional exchange if permitted to support fiat gateways to the local currency. That means the cirus token may be connected to multiple exchanges for that very purpose. We intend to have broad distribution rather than just a central one. In Vietnam, we have some eyes set on a strategic partner and we hope for this to be a major facility of deploying the hardware and currency!

Tag: What in general would you consider to be the biggest issues & challenges currently with Big Data? I read that you have a multi-faceted approach with Big Data, how will it work to combine Hardware, Traditional Software, Blockchain Technologies and Tokenized ecosystems in general?
Cirus Foundation: Biggest challenge to big data is that the creator has not retained control over it. If this is one of the worlds largest commodities that is produced by People, then why wouldn’t we credit those people? we should and that is about to change!
Ultimately, if we can support the individual to connect with their data asset it will unlock major freedoms.

Tag: Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?
Cirus Foundation: Great question!
1 — The Data and insights generated are very high quality…the best available. Cirus users will own, and be able to monetize the highest-quality version of their data-asset.
2 — Our rollout strategy (using ISP partnerships) will bring the Cirus Ecosystem to millions of users very rapidly. We’re very excited about this plan, as it comes with baked-in adoption.
3 — The entire Ecosystem is designed to be a seamless onramp to bring the average internet user into Crypto and the wider digital economy, circumventing the current high barriers-to-entry that exist in crypto. You just plug-in, configure and earn!

Tag: At this moment, which one the most Necessary for your project:
1. Investors
2. Community
3. Market/Exchange
and why?
Cirus Foundation: All of these things are very important to a successful project but… I believe without #2 COMMUNITY, you don’t have anything. That’s why we come at this with a community first approach in everything we do!
This week and next the Cirus team is focused on running community events in our main channel as we gear up for launch, a lot of education and of course… a lot of prizes —
We’ve also built local communities for members who’s native language isn’t english. We want to make sure that everyone, regardless of your geographical location has access to the project.
Hope this answers your question!!!

Tag: How does CIRUS get profit? What are the features that distinguish CIRUS from other similar applications?
Cirus Foundation: Cirus is a non-for-profit organization. We are the core contributors to building the cirus ecosystem components including for the blockchain. The main distinguishing aspect is that we have a commercial arm that is independently run, this company has provided the technolgy for the Big Data platform and based on our synergestic relationship, every device deployed will require a purchase of tokens from the Commerical arm.
Why is that important? well we know that markets have cycles — both bear and bull. In our unqiue case, we always have a direct demand function on our token being required. This may be purchased from a secondary exchange/ open market.
The commercial side is also driven by increasing vast number of contract roll-outs and this directly impacts how much tokens aquired over the long term. A concept considered flight-to-quality as even in downturns of the market, we will be weather proof!

Tag: Thank Cirus team for your time and the very insightful answers.
Once again, on behalf of TAG Ventures and the members, we would like to thank you for being here today!
Cirus Foundation: It has been a true pleasure being here with you. Thank you to the TAG team for welcoming us into your community and thank you to the community for asking so many great questions — we’re honored!
We invite you to join the Cirus Vietnamese community as well. All information will be shared there as we lead up to Launch and beyond. See you there!
Talk soon!

Cirus Foundation Mission — Our mission is to accelerate the ownership economy by building the on-ramp for individuals to own, manage and monetize their largest digital commodity — Data. Watch our introductory video to find out more.

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Cirus Foundation
Cirus Foundation

Cirus is a simple, yet powerful platform that turns your data into cryptocurrency, using it to open the doors into DeFi and other Web 3.0 earning avenues.