Kicking off Cirus Phase 2!

Cirus Foundation
Cirus Foundation
Published in
4 min readAug 1, 2024

We at Cirus Foundation have recently closed the book on Phase 1. Because of this, we’re thrilled to unveil the exciting developments and initiatives that mark the beginning of Phase 2. With the successful launch of our apps on iOS, Android and the Chrome Browser Extension, we have laid a strong foundation for a future that empowers users in the data economy.

Without further ado, here’s a detailed look at what’s in store.

Closing Phase 1: A Milestone Achieved

The launch of our apps has been a significant milestone for us. Since our launch of the Chrome Browser Extension last year, we’ve ramped up on our app developments. The introduction of our updated apps mark the conclusion of Phase 1 and sets the stage for even more groundbreaking advancements in Phase 2.

Kicking Off Phase 2: What’s Coming Down the Pipeline

Phase 2 represents a dramatic acceleration of our Ecosystem toward our ultimate goals. Recent opportunities, combined with general industry shifts have allowed Cirus to leapfrog some of our previously-stated interim goals and make an end run towards our final form. This means several ecosystem updates are on the horizon for us. Here’s a glimpse of what’s coming next!

The Referral Program

The long, long await of our Referral Program is finally coming, and we’re as excited as you are. This program, which is set to kick off this month, is designed to grow our community by encouraging users to refer their friends and family to the Cirus Wallet. This Referral Program not only incentivizes our users but also plays a crucial role in spreading the word about Cirus, thereby expanding our reach and impact!

Transition to Full Web3 Wallet

In our ongoing efforts to prioritize user autonomy and security, we are excited to announce our shift to a Non-Custodial Wallet (Web3!). This significant transition represents our commitment to decentralization and user empowerment. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Decentralized Wallet: The Cirus Wallet is becoming decentralized, giving users complete control over their assets. This move aligns with our mission to promote decentralization and user sovereignty.
  • Announcement of Details: While the exact date of this transition will be announced soon, we are working diligently to ensure a smooth and secure shift. During this period, we will provide comprehensive information about what to expect on both the wallet and the Cirus token, and how users can navigate the new system.

Cirus Token Update

Some exciting updates are on the way for the Cirus Token as well! Our push towards integration with the new network, and future integration of node validation have necessitated an update to the Cirus Token. Yes, this will include an update to the Tokenomics, and yes it will involve burns of the Cirus Token. An upcoming article from us will be a full breakdown of all details on this process.

Sidenote: Part of the upgrade includes some news on the Cirus Staking Pool and our community fund as well.

We’ll need you to pay attention to this one as there’s something you’ll need to do!

Node Validation

Yes, the Cirus wallet will allow for anyone to participate in node validation. Yes, the token will be required to participate. We’re finally bringing ‘the dream’ of average people becoming a real part of a network to life. Of course, this feature will be tied to the new network launch, so look out for those details at the same time.

To be clear: This will be an additional earning avenue for Cirus Wallet holders, over and above the existing Surf n’ Earn feature.

New Network Launch

We’ve been very tight-lipped about this one over the last few months and a number of you have been wondering what we were up to. Cirus will be integrating with a brand new network tying blockchain, data and AI together in a cohesive ecosystem. While not quite ready for the public spotlight, the system is already functional, with Devnet and Testnets involving real-world participants starting in a matter of weeks. This network brings Cirus closer to our end-goals, years faster than we could have hoped when we first set out on this journey. We could not be more excited about this!

Your Feedback Matters

We value the feedback of our community and are eager to hear your thoughts on the new features and programs we’re introducing. Your input is crucial in helping us refine and improve our offerings. Please share your experiences and suggestions with us as we continue to build and grow the Cirus ecosystem together!

Stay tuned for more updates, and once again, thank you for being a vital part of the Cirus community. More to come!

Join Us

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Cirus will be speaking at NeoLaunch’s X Spaces today at 6 PM EST. We hope to see you there!

Download the Cirus app on iOS, Android or the Chrome Store today and start earning rewards from your screen time. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and enhance the Cirus experience. You can also join our official Discord to ask questions and join like-minded people!

Cirus Foundation Mission — Our mission is to accelerate the ownership economy by building the on-ramp for individuals to own, manage and monetize their largest digital commodity — Data.



Cirus Foundation
Cirus Foundation

Cirus is a simple, yet powerful platform that turns your data into cryptocurrency, using it to open the doors into DeFi and other Web 3.0 earning avenues.