How to measure Cybersecurity requirements

Just ask!

Vicente Aceituno Canal
The CISO Den


If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable. — Seneca


If you put together “N” cybersecurity professionals, I can guarantee, in my experience that, if such a conversation is initiated, there will be a total number of definitions “X” of each of the following concepts:

  • Information security / cybersecurity
  • Incident
  • Vulnerability
  • Weakness
  • Threat
  • Risk

Where, for every concept, sadly X > N

Add to the mix Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Possession, Utility, Risk, Authentication, Authorization, Audit, Reliability, Access Control, Identification, Privacy, Anonymity, Business Continuity, Non-Repudiation or Accountability among other less popular ones, and the Babel Tower will reach the sky.

I looked into how they define things is physics for inspiration, as they use something called “operational definitions”. These operation definitions have some neat attributes:

  • Measurements are independent of the observer.
  • Measurements are repeatable.
  • Measurements have units.

The objective measurement of a certain attribute of a certain object should…

