How to spot trusted course providers

Maximize the investments you make towards personal development with these quick tips

Raj Sowmea
The City TA
4 min readJan 3, 2019


There are so many people turning to online degrees and distance learning programs to improve their skills. Almost all the universities have now started offering a variety of courses and it’s no wonder that these online degrees are getting so popular!

The beauty of these courses is that they allow you to work at your pace, provide flexible study hours and save money on campus costs.

However, these opportunities come with some possible side effects. Some of these online courses can be a scam. These are all the most common type of the internet education scams. Some simply pose as a legitimate school and cheat you with value-neutral degrees with some deals and bargains.

Here are some tips to help avoid maximize your investments in personal development.

Always check the online degree accreditations

One surefire way to make sure that a degree is legitimate and is from a trusted course provider is to check its accreditations. Whether it is a free financial course online or a paid course, a full set of accreditations means that the program has been thoroughly reviewed by its peers in the field of education and that it has been validated or verified. Usually, an agency or the National Ministry of Education would recognize these online universities and affirm that these are trusted course providers. If the university or provider is accredited, they will usually display the seal of approval and references on their website.

Always run from familiar yet modified university titles

You may have come across some trusted course providers or prestigious universities — but some of them have a few more titles, or some add-ons to their name that you haven’t heard of before. Be vigilant when you encounter these providers, regardless of whether they offer paid courses or free financial courses online. These are classic scams that have simply taken on a different venture — making you think that their institution is a part of some prestigious university, but is actually just the cover-up for a scam.

Beware of fewer to no admission

Be wary when you come across certain courses — especially the paid ones — that will have minimal requirements for entry. They may ask you to only send your resume and motivation letter. This may be a cause for concern as there will usually be more requirements that you need to satisfy before you can enroll — except in some cases, such as degrees from open universities or the like. Make sure to double check for its authenticity so you can be certain that you are not giving away personal information to questionable paid courses or free financial courses online.

Never, ever give your money upfront

Most universities require amounts to be paid either in yearly installments or by semesters. If the institution needs money upfront before you even know you are admitted, then it is surely not a legitimate paid course or free financial course online.

Always be alert of earning a degree given way too easily

If getting the entire degree seems way too easy, then that should really make you reconsider the options. Online degrees may afford a little more flexible than the on-campus ones, but remember that they still require the same amount of effort!

Check the online resources the universities offer you

Most accredited online universities and other trusted course providers usually have many available resources listed on their websites that are related to student support services or to their libraries. If you are unable to find any of this information on their site, then there is a possibility that this institution is not valid.

Always verify university contact information

When you are searching for more information, browse the institution’s website. If you are unable to find any detail about the university or their address, then it’s a hint that they are a scam. There may be universities who are exclusively an online platform and they may not have a campus address, but they should still have some business contact details clearly listed on their website.

Search a lot and check for reviews from other graduates

A real impression of the university’s likeability and reliability can be found on the reviews students write about them and about their experiences. There are many students who post reviews on the university pages and on education-related sites. If the students had obtained any certifications and were happy with the overall course they are sure to give back by writing about their experience. The same goes if they had any bitter experiences.

Not just money, invest your valuable time to secure a great online education

These might seem to be a lot of extra work to go through, but by doing this it will assure you that whatever online course you choose, it will definitely be a wise decision and investment in a trusted course provider for your bright future in education and employment.



Raj Sowmea
The City TA

Author | Blogger | Story teller | Coffee lover | Dog Lover