Paid vs Free webinars

Maximizing your business reach with online webinars

Raj Sowmea
The City TA
3 min readJan 6, 2019


If you have been following our posts, you would have realized by now how online webinars can be powerful game-changers for your business set-up.

They pose a unique opportunity for you to help build trust with your audience and convert them from mere prospects to customers.

Free webinars are a great lead generation tool with a low barrier to entry. People like freebies. If your webinar is marketed well and offers compelling content for your attendees, then it is likely that you will experience a good turnout. That includes reaching people who do not have any previous relationship with you.

This can still prove to be a big win for you even if most of the attendees do not buy anything right away. Free webinars are a great way to build your brand and create lead generation.

Paid webinars usually have a high barrier to entry. They require bigger investments in terms of time and money for marketing. In terms of reach and visibility they are less likely to have a wider audience — and that also means that the long term potential gets significantly reduced when compared to a well-planned free webinar.

Businesses can opt to use paid webinars for several reasons:

1. It helps them efficiently provide content to a loyal list of customers

Paid webinars can deliver valuable content and generate regular streams of income for a business if it already has a strong customer base. Loyal customers benefit from the businesses’ expertise and fresh content, and ensures that you continue to build strong relations with them.

2. It helps maximize reach within a specialized niche

This learning platform works well with a highly-targeted niche, especially when exposure is available from the associated industry partners and associations. For example, offering a special training that covers the latest research on modern fintech developments. These specialized subject matters which might otherwise have been offered at conferences may be better accessed your audience with the aid of paid webinars.

3. It helps effectively conduct group coaching/consultation sessions

Coaches and consultants can use paid webinars to focus on a small and motivated group of learners. This is an opportunity to craft an intensive learning program that they are sure their audience will properly consume. The average length of intensive paid webinars run for 6 to 8 weeks, with portions dedicated to activities as well as Q&As.

The training session of the webinar can constitute of a powerpoint presentation, followed by a Q&A on the next day for interaction and dialogue.

If you set it up right that way, this kind of webinar course can become very profitable and you can charge more than the typical information product.

Whether it’s a free webinar or a paid webinar, it’s almost impossible to prepare for every eventuality - but here are few tips to ensure they run smoothly:

· Always go for a dry run

· Always use polls questions to keep the audience engaged

· Promote your webinar at least a week in advance

· Put your presenter bios on the registration page as it lends credibility

· Don’t always rely on the internet. Do call from a land line instead of using the microphone on your laptop or computer

Do get in touch with us for your webinar requirements!



Raj Sowmea
The City TA

Author | Blogger | Story teller | Coffee lover | Dog Lover