6 Trading Lessons To Investors/Traders and How to Play the Market

Raj Sowmea
The City TA
Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2019

There are various ways to learn and earn money by trading, and each way establishes the route you take to reap profits from the market. The methodology and cost behind these learning resources may vary and hence it is essential for new traders to carefully consider which of these plans suit their goals and requirements. For example, a day trader has a jam-packed schedule and if they want to act really fast, they may feel that they can’t afford to spend much time studying books before they go hands-on. Traders who wish to develop a deeper understanding of the subject may feel that the shorter classes and one-time seminars lack depth.

The cost of education is another main factor that comes into play. Some free curriculums may give us some introduction into the world of trading, but there are certain resources that may require payments to gain access to the most detailed information.

Ways to learn to trade

People who seek information related to trading mostly seek them in books, seminars, a wide range of online courses, and mentors, wherever available. These resources that offer the content can also matter to the new trader as much as the medium in which it is delivered.

People who are always on-the-go may find that an online course on their smartphone is much more valuable than being present in sit-down classes.

Trading Books

One common method of instruction is learning through trading books. A benefit of learning trading via books is that you can take your time understanding the method and viewpoint of the author. If in case a trading strategy is unclear, it is quite possible to refer back to the books when needed. However, one drawback is that the book may not answer the follow-up questions that the reader may have about the overall methodology. Also, if the market conditions change dramatically then it is possible that some of the philosophies that are presented in the book may not always be applicable.

Trading Seminars

Depending on the entrance fee, trading seminars might be an expensive way to learn. Attending in-person sessions usually offers the novice trader a good chance to clarify their understanding of the strategies that are presented.

Live seminars can offer ideas on trading related to the current market. It is also a great prospect to further collaborate with new traders who are trying to establish the best approaches to trading. However, unless the seminar is recorded and available immediately after the session, attendees will have very little time to absorb the lessons so when searching for seminars that teach you how to earn money by trading online, check if the provider has this option available.

Online Courses

Free online course with certificates are a convenient way to learn, and it is a fast-growing avenue to gain knowledge about trading. There are many investment and trading service providers who include some basic trading information on their websites, while there are some of them who go the extra mile to supply their customers with a course that is available online. Such courses may be restricted to paying customers of the services. There are some outlets that provide free online courses with certificates at varying prices. These wide range of online courses may be self-guided, which means that the student will have to work independently.

This allows them to move at their own pace. However, a potential disadvantage is that they might not be challenged to understand the strategies being taught before they start using them.


Having a dedicated trading instructor and mentor can be an expensive way to learn. The lesson might be one-on-one or with a small group but it might be personalized according to the beginner trader’s need.

It might be tricky to choose a mentor familiar with a stock you plan on investing in. The track record of the potential mentor’s track record and investment results might be significant, but their ability to convey the strategy is of equal importance.

In case you are dealing with an individual mentor, it is crucial to determine how your intended approach fits with their investment strategy.

Trading Without Training

Beyond basic concepts, there is another option available for one to earn money by trading that does not require any formal training or instructions. From a professional trader, one can get the benefit of recommendations on tools that are designed for analysis and trading services. These services include money management; where trained professionals handle their client’s money in exchange for a commission.

Such services include a daily market analysis which is sent to the customer, along with the trading suggestions. Customers can place transactions that they want through the trading service if there is a certain stock that they believe will take off, but they still largely rely on the expertise of others.

If you want to become a trader, you must select the best learning method that is best suited to your goals so you can get to earning money by trading as soon as you can. Some educational resources need time, money and dedication while others allow you to work at your pace and at your own space. The kind of educational resource that you finally choose must satisfy your needs without compromising your lifestyle.



Raj Sowmea
The City TA

Author | Blogger | Story teller | Coffee lover | Dog Lover