
Resilient Cities
The CityXChange Roadmap 2018
2 min readOct 29, 2018

Through CityXChange, 100 Resilient Cities has developed new tools to help member cities integrate the technology industry into their long-term resilience strategies. It’s critical to remember, however, that technology is just a tool, like any other. Cities must integrate technology solutions and problem-solving strategies into their plans for building resilience, not hope that off-the-shelf tech will allow them to leapfrog the hard work of long-term capacity building and infrastructure investment.

Let’s not think of technology as some kind of a one-off solution for everything. I think this whole thing about capacity building, stakeholder participation, figuring out how to solve a problem not just with quick data, but with all the other pieces in place. If I’m looking at an agriculture problem, I have to understand the farmers, the insurance system, the government mechanism that supports it, and all of the other people in the ecosystem.

– 2018 Tech participant

In the 1960s, The Rockefeller Foundation convened many of the world’s leading scientists, political leaders and agri-business companies to launch the green revolution, which in the decades since has saved countless lives worldwide by massively increasing farm productivity. we believe that CityXChange has the potential to be a 21st Century green revolution, sparking transformative collaborations between leading innovators and cities around the world that can help reduce inequality, strengthen communities and improve the quality of life for all urban dwellers.

The greatest scarcity that we have is in qualified human capital. The wealthiest cities are the ones that are going to be the most attractive to the highest qualified people…it’s not just a matter of efficiency, but it’s a question of the quality of experience [a city can provide]…If we want our cities to be young and alive and creative, then we have to invest in that.

– 2018 Tech participant

Since the program launched, CityXChange has helped program participants view urban challenges through a new, more opportunistic lens and opened minds to new solutions. we look forward to continuing to develop new ideas and new relationships. we also look forward to working directly with 100 resilient Cities’ members to help break through the barriers that prevent deeper partnership between cities and the technology industry, while facilitating the spread of innovation throughout the 100 Resilient Cities network.

