Divorce Gift Registry (for Him)

Thoughtful Gifts for the Newly Bachelored

J.P. Melkus
The Clap
3 min readMar 12, 2019


Photo by Mike Lloyd on Unsplash
  • Ring-finger tanning cream, “grown-up” floor lamp from Ikea, pube trimmer…
  • Psychotherapist gift certificate
  • Chattier Alexa-thing
  • Cheese, just like a big thing of cheese.
  • Phone that will “handle” Tinder… or Grindr…?
  • Placemats for nude couch-sitting
  • One of those new vaporizer things that let you smoke pot without a using a lighter
  • Whiskey
  • Insight into my personal shortcomings
  • Couch (under $300), antibacterial microfiber preferred in lieu of placemats (see above)
  • Dog (who doesn’t stare)
  • Actually, a cat (who doesn’t stare)
  • Number for pet sitter/dog walker (who doesn’t ask a lot of questions)
  • Number for maid (who understands “nightstand boundaries”)
  • Number for divorce lawyer (probably should have asked sooner)
  • What’s the new gaming console? PS… is it still the 4? 4K? Do chicks…sorry, women, do women like the Wii more though? Is it still around?
  • Written summary of current hit musicians among 18–25 year-old women and their existence as/relationships with Instagram celebrities (Drake?)
  • Phone that will “handle” Instagram
Photo by Avi Naim on Unsplash
  • Ability to really, really listen
  • Regret-erasing pills (do they have those yet?)
  • Can of “New Apartment Smell” Lysol
  • Poster frames
  • Blue-blocking glasses for nighttime laptop use…
  • App for removing someone from photos
  • App for adding someone else to photos
  • Phone that will “handle” those apps
  • Book on weight loss strategies
  • Book on valuing the opinions of others
  • Fuck ton of Cheetos
  • 4K TV
  • Whatever other 4K stuff you need for that
  • Leather lounge chair (under $150)
  • App to help me create a personal universe that has room for anyone besides me alone at the center
  • 4K movie discs (is that UHD?) of Gladiator, Boogie Nights, Braveheart, and Boiler Room
  • Swiss watch that doesn’t run on batteries
  • Non-white socks
  • Help
  • Like, just a rundown on stuff that has happened over the past 4–5 years in entertainment, politics, etc. (my wife… sorry, my ex-wife and I were sort of wrapped up in our own heads there for a while)
  • Largest bed sized for two that will fit in a studio apartment
  • Update on current slang, lingo, et al. (I’m pretty good on catchphrases from beer commercials though, e.g., Diddly-diddly!, Whaaaassssup!?, etc.) I tried Urban Dictionary. TMI.
  • The “Four Horsemen:” Buproprion, finasteride, tadalifil, alprazolam.
  • Leads on jobs with prescription drug bennies (financial advisor?)
  • Car guy for lease deals (like on that two-door Subaru coupe)
  • Update on cool hobbies (Smoking meat? Pickling stuff? D.J.’ing? Producing? “Trending”? Are cocktails still a thing?) as I am not allowed to work on my RX-7 in the carports at new apartment
  • Cool books for coffee table
Photo by Ian Keefe on Unsplash
  • Place that will trade Ed Hardy shirts and weird-stitched jeans for newer stuff (I have funny “This Guy Fucks” T-shirt already, though)
  • A friend who is a D.J. and/or has connecs in the club/modeling scene
  • A friend with access to a place near a ski resort in Colorado and/or L.A.
  • A friend with a ski boat
  • A friend
  • How to get set up to drive for Lyft
  • Leads on “side hustles” generally
  • Insight into what will make me happy as a unique person, and thus will make me worthy of love and respect from someone who is happy and fulfilled by herself, not others
  • List of best clubs for singles in greater Kansas City, Kansas area
  • Personal-brand consultant
  • Book on how to be an “influencer”
  • Bone Clone (are those for real?)
  • Some cool shit for my end table (succulents?)
  • Gift cards for furniture (Better: West Elm or Urban Outfitters?)
  • Amazon gift cards
  • Hope
  • Febreeze

[J.P. has written humor for various “internet magazines” since 2004 or so. Don’t worry, his marriage is just fine.— ed.]



J.P. Melkus
The Clap

It's been a real leisure. [That picture is not me.--ed.]