How to Get the Family Chained in Your Basement to Appreciate the Subtle Genius of Frasier

If You’re Not Reading R.J. Kushner, Why?

J.P. Melkus
The Clap
2 min readJul 19, 2018


I can’t say much more about this overlooked gem by r.j. kushner other than I can barely get through writing the title without losing it in a fit of tiddling laughter that I haven’t experienced since about fifth grade. If your tastes run toward the absurd, go to his profile, start at the bottom and work your way up… just like you’d probably do with the family chained in your basement.

This piece is made all the funnier by the fact that I am about 40% sure that Kelsey Grammer has a family chained in his basement, or at least that he did for a few months during his cokey days in the early-’90s. I am about 60% sure that Frasier Crane had one.

Full disclosure: R.J. is a founding editor of The Clap, but rest assured, he played no part in the selection of this piece for our inaugural “Overlooked” piece of Medium humor. Until today, it had one clap. Let’s hope it gets more. Really, I don’t care if you clap for it, just read it.

— The Clap

P.S. I debated using the royal “we” to imply that there is some meeting of the bespectacled editorial board of The Clap, Inc. debating what pieces to include from among the dozens that our caffeinated, unpaid, and frequently harassed interns have brought us. But it’s just me in my den, definitely not jackin’ it.



J.P. Melkus
The Clap

It's been a real leisure. [That picture is not me.--ed.]