3 Generation Z Trends that Will Make You Feel Old as Dirt

Especially to other millennials out there — you’ve been warned.

Gillian Sisley
The Clever Quill


Before diving in, just a disclaimer that I’m a millennial, and I was born in the early 1990s. The fact that there are now university and college students who were born in 2003 just entirely blows my mind.

I’m not even 30 yet, and still, these kids on Tik Tok are making me feel like I’m ancient and should be living in a tomb.

I don’t know when it happened — I don’t know when exactly I crossed the boundary from being a young woman to some oldie that Gen Zers look at them think, “She looks like she could be my mom.” But here we are.

Or at least, here I am.

For the first time, I am confronting the fact that I am apparently old right in the face.

And if you’re reading this, I’m taking on this journey with me. Why not torture ourselves together, and feel unified in our joint suffering? Let’s jump into it:

1. How do you mime taking a phone call with just your hand?

I saw this video online, and it legitimately shocked me.

Frankly, I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this.



Gillian Sisley
The Clever Quill

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨