6 Ways to Survive the Wedding Planning Process in One Piece

This is no walk in the park… you’re navigating a precarious and delicate political minefield. Here’s your roadmap to coming out the other side with all of your limbs intact.

Gillian Sisley
The Clever Quill


Ah, wedding planning.

For some, this is a right of passage into a new chapter.

For all who are part of this process, it involves unforeseen politics and drama from family members and friends.

Even the most level-headed loved ones seem to lose their marbles as soon as the word “wedding” comes into a conversation.

I find myself endlessly boggled by the tsunami of unsolicited advice, unreasonable demands and entitled behaviour I am witnessing from people in our lives.

This is me and my fiancé’s wedding, right? We’re paying for it, so isn’t it reasonable that we should have the final say as to what takes place?

And yet, that concept highly offends some people. For reasons I cannot quite understand.

You had your special day already, Aunt Pru. Dammit, just let us have ours on our own terms!



Gillian Sisley
The Clever Quill

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨