A Bittersweet Goodbye to a Lifelong Dream

The conclusion of my year traveling and living abroad.

Gillian Sisley
The Clever Quill


Image credit to author

I’m… a little speechless.

10 months of living abroad, gone by in a flash. Just like that.

Somehow, after so many years of planning, saving, logistics, booking flights and Airbnbs, and so, so many hours of dreaming… our year of travel had officially come to an end.

I spent a decade of my life dreaming about this wild dream.

For a little more context: 7 years ago I was at a house party, and was talking to a really handsome guy. I casually mentioned this ludicrous dream of mine — to spend a year working remotely and traveling the world — and his words were,

“Wow, that sounds awesome. That’s totally something I would be up for.”

And that was a moment when I considered that this crazy, preposterous goal of mine might actually be attainable… if I had the right person by my side.

I married that handsome guy just 3 years later.

Many people fantasize about packing up their lives and exploring the world.



Gillian Sisley
The Clever Quill

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨