South Korea: Following Korea’s Cultural Wave of World Domination

March 1–27, 2023

Gillian Sisley
The Clever Quill


Image credit to author

Continuing our adventure through Asia, we traded the humid, sweltering heat of Bali for the crisp, chilly weather of South Korea. Which was, to say the least, a massive shock to the system.

I have been fascinated with Korean culture for over a decade. I was listening to K-Pop in the 2000s before it was considered ‘cool’, binging Korean shows on the weekends, and practicing the language as a hobby in my spare time.

This passion for Korean culture propelled me to take an exchange to Daegu, South Korea in my 3rd year of university. That semester of studying abroad at 20 was arguably one of the most significant seasons of personal growth and self-discovery of my entire life.

There were many times during those 4 months that I thought to myself,

“I can’t wait to bring my soulmate here some day.”

And in March of this year, I got to realize that dream.

A lively country of innovation, inspiration, and — of course — fantastic food.

Along with the dichotomy of a massive weather change, we also went from our biggest AirBnb — a 2-bedroom villa with a private…



Gillian Sisley
The Clever Quill

Professional Storyteller working at Meta ♾️ Tea drinker. Insatiably curious. Writing about relationships, adventure & embracing vulnerability as a superpower ✨