Authentic Outspoken Charisma (Op-Ed)

Dorcas Olatunji
The Climate Reporter
4 min readMay 20, 2019
Photo by Getty

It is said that stars cannot shine without darkness. This is especially true with the recently popular politician, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has taken the stage by building her own platform. She has embraced the environmental movement with a Green New Deal as well.

Respected (by many) and referenced constantly for her ‘unlikely rise’, AOC broke and continues to break barriers and address pressing social problems. As a Hispanic New York native, she miraculously beat out a 20-year incumbent, 10-term Congressman Joe Crowley, in the Democratic party primary for New York’s 14th congressional district. Crowley was the fourth most powerful Democrat in the House. Her primary victory was an incredible deal for her and for the people she would serve.

Her work of waiting tables while working with nonprofit companies supplemented her Boston University college experience. The most powerful thing about her run back in 2017 was the fact that she organized a grassroots campaign in her community. Her organizing skills along with her passion got her the votes to secure a seat. And, as Eliza Relman writing in The Insider put it, just “ eighteen months later, she became the youngest woman to be elected to Congress.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s win not only made history but added AOC to the most diverse freshmen Congressional class in American history. Since her inauguration in January, she has shaken the political sphere with her out-of-the-box thinking and incredible values that make her stand out from the rest. Her most important initiative since being elected in 2018, has been The Green New Deal. Inspired by youth activists of the Sunrise Movement she and Senator Ed Markey drafted a resolution that holds many promises for addressing climate change and inequality.

As I put it in a previous article in Raging Chicken, “the GND resolution discusses the history of America’s environmental action and its relation to economic conditions against a backdrop of an impending climate crisis. Statistics on workers, infrastructure, and carbon emissions raise alarm and spur action about what needs to be done in the coming election.”

Though the resolution did not pass in the Senate, it had over 90 co-sponsors from both the House and the Senate. Since then, AOC has released a video through The Intercept that discusses what the future would be like if The Green New Deal was enacted.

Her remarkable story shows the power within the people and the push for diversity and new voices.

Writers Alexandra Ma and Eliza Relman from Business Insider quote AOC now famous campaign ad: “Women like me aren’t supposed to run for office.” she says. “I wasn’t born to a wealthy or powerful family.”

Her passion and outspoken nature has not only caught the attention of the public but also of many media outlets, some of which — FOX News most notably — have taken it upon themselves to criticize AOC and pick apart her every move.

Most recently called out by the Washington Post, USA Today, ABC News and others for their constant discussion of AOC within their channels, FOX News contorts AOC’s motives for their conservative audience.

FOX News seems to have an obsession with AOC, covering her more than any other politician. According to Countable, the important reason for taking note of their recent obsession is the fact that “Fox News holds a great deal of influence on voters. It is the most trusted network by Republican and Republican-leaning voters, and a favorite of President Trump.”

FOX must be using AOC to stir up controversy and get more viewers for their segments. According to the Washington Post, “A study found that the New York City Democrat was mentioned 3,181 times on Fox News Channel and its sister Fox Business Network during the six-week period of Feb. 25 to April 7, or just under 76 times a day. Not a day went by when she wasn’t spoken about on Fox.”

The difference between Ocasio-Cortez and other politicians is her raw honesty, and desire to get straight to the point. She is unashamed about her past and the hard work that got her to where she is today.

In response to criticisms, even by President Trump, who labeled her a “young bartender”, she responded with a powerful message. According to Business Insider, she went on, “There is nothing wrong with being a working person in the United States of America and there is everything dignified about it.”

AOC continues to make a name for herself and raises the bar, quite literally. At her swearing-in ceremony by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, she wore bright, red, and bold lipstick that immediately made a statement.

I am not suggesting that a fashion choice should define a woman, but the fact that she wore this knowing it would grab the media’s attention, was an intentional mechanism to start her next conversation. AOC effectively utilizes her platform to reach people of all ages, and her motives, goals, and ideals ruminate the most with the younger generation who too, are shaking society expectations by finding their own voice.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to break down barriers, walls, insults and anything in her way to press on with her Authentic Outspoken Charisma.

